HomeBetting5 Amazing Facts About Roulette

5 Amazing Facts About Roulette

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Now the iconic roulette is known all over the world. Previously, it was only possible to play it in special institutions or gambling houses, but now the situation has dramatically changed. In today’s world, real money roulette is available online, all you need to do to play is to go to the appropriate page on the Internet.

But few fans of the game ever think about how rich its history is and how many interesting moments are associated with it. In fact, there are quite a lot of interesting facts about roulette.

Five of them deserve special attention from fans of gambling.

The First Fact: the Origin of Roulette is Still Disputed

No matter how strange it might seem, the fact of the appearance of this game of chance raises quite a few questions. Moreover, it is actively researched by historians, and some of them even devote their scientific works to this question!

Historians have agreed that the birthplace of roulette is considered to be France. There are other versions, but this can be attributed to the generally accepted. The so-called “forefather” is Blaise Pascal (one of the founders of mathematical analysis).

However, representatives of many other countries are actively arguing about it and trying to appropriate this game for themselves. It is known that it was very popular, and it was even banned in New France.

This point is confirmed by a number of official documents. More details about the history of the game can be found on the relevant page of Wikipedia, which is available at en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Roulette.

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The Second Fact: it’s Actually Possible to Win at Roulette

There is a popular opinion that it is impossible to win in such entertainments. Actually, this opinion is not correct. If desired, anyone can win at roulette. And here’s why:

  • There is no cheating on both sides in roulette – both from the casino and from the player;
  • According to statistics, the advantage of roulette over the player who sat down at the gaming table is just under 3% (2.7% to be exact), which is a record low rate compared to other games.

Don’t get the idea that casinos are always trying to cheat the player. In fact, it is almost impossible both in online roulette and in the classic offline version. The probability of tampering is minimal. Instead, the player has all the chances of winning.

And here it is important to understand another point. Not everything at the gaming table is decided by luck, or rather, according to experienced players, it has almost no effect on anything.

But a competent mathematical calculation, the use of different strategies and schemes based on special algorithms and calculations may well lead the player to success.

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More detailed information about the schemes and the possibilities of their use can be found on specialized Internet portals like fool.com or on the pages of thematic publications.

The Third Fact: Roulette is Called the “Devil’s Game” and the “King of the Casino”

Perhaps no other gambling game is as fascinating and controversial at the same time as roulette. There is a lot of mysticism around it, which causes increased interest.

Roulette is often called nothing less than the devil’s game, which simultaneously attracts and repels many people, generates increased interest. It can be said that this name is quite justified:

  1. The sum of all roulette numbers is “666” (this number is often called “the number of the devil”, “the number of the goat”).
  2. There is a legend that one of the famous frenchmen, whose name is often associated with the casino in general, and with roulette in particular (namely François Blanc) made a real deal with the devil. According to this legend, at the very beginning of his entrepreneurial career Blanc received the secrets of roulette under the terms of the deal. He died quite a rich man (thanks to his gambling business).

There is another popular name for roulette in wide circles – King of casino. As a rule, the emergence of this name is associated with the fact that the game was popular not only among poor people, but also among the rich ones.

Many celebrities, actors, writers, and even members of the authorities preferred this game. The writer Fyodor Dostoevsky and many others are among the fans of the game. The mysterious King of casino could in one day turn a person from rich to poor and vice versa.

The Fourth Fact: the Clock is the Enemy of Roulette

Of course, this is a relative expression, but the most interesting thing is the following: the roulette game and the clock simply are not compatible. In none of the gambling houses, where you can risk your money, there will not be a clock hanging on the wall.

Now even online casinos are adopting this “trick” by removing the virtual dials from the screens of users who run an application or open a page of the site.

It’s all for a reason. Roulette has existed for ages and casino owners understood centuries ago that if there is always a clock in front of a person’s face, he will quickly turn around and walk away.

The essence of the game is that the player spends as much time as possible at the table. That’s why clocks are removed from the walls, and in today’s world, people are sometimes asked to turn off their smartphones or leave them in a locker when they enter elite casinos.

This is a little trick that the owners of gambling houses use against users. Therefore, everyone who wants not just to gamble, but to do it thoughtfully and not to risk too much money, should plan his budget and keep track of how much time he spends for entertainment. Sometimes the excitement takes over so much that hours turn into minutes.

The Fifth Fact: the Number of Roulette Options is Quite Surprising

Traditionally, it is believed that there are two common variants of roulette – European and French. Each of them has its own distinctive features. The main points that relate to the similarities and differences can be seen in the table below.

French Roulette European Roulette
●     thirty-seven cells

●     one “zero” cell (in French roulette it will always be green)

●     ten variants of bets are available

●     it is allowed to bet by voice, which can be very convenient for some players

●     thirty-seven cells

●     one “zero” cell

●     there are ten types of gambling payments

●     the so-called “voice bets” are strictly prohibited


American roulette appeared a little later than French and European roulette. It is one of the three most popular variants and, of course, has its own features, which cause increased interest from the players and bring it to the top in popularity. Among the distinctive features it is possible to mention:

  • it has eleven betting options;
  • the game circle provides two cells “zero”, which fundamentally changes the course of the game.

This list of roulette options does not end here. New varieties regularly appear. For example, they include roulette with three wheels, with several bonus rounds (two, three). At online casino sites you can find even more extravagant variants with radically changed rules. Among this variety any player can choose the most attractive type for himself.

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