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Work from Home

Remote Work: 7 Tech Upgrades To Boost Productivity

Doing work at home is fun and relaxing. However, it becomes a nightmare when thereā€™s a boatload of tasks to do, and youā€™re using up more than eight hours of your time every day to finish all of them. Thankfully, some readily available tech upgrades can boost your productivity and let you do more work in less time. 1. Switch To Fiber Optic Internet And Online Faxing In 2020, the DSL coverage in the United States and its territories were around 86%. Unfortunately, DSL canā€™t completely satisfy the bandwidth demands of most remote work jobs. So, if better internet connection technology...

The Best Furniture for your Work from Home Space

The end of the year is nearing, and it is the perfect opportunity to give your work from home space a makeover. If you found yourself suddenly working remotely in 2020, you probably havenā€™t had much of a chance to really set up a home office. Thatā€™s why it is the perfect focus for your end-of-the-year deductions. Freelancers, self-employed or independent professionals, and small business owners can all benefit from making these types of large purchases just before the end of the year. Even though it is best to make those purchases now, it may not be the most profitable...


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Best Freelancers to help you Grow your Business

Best Tools to Work from Home in 2022

2020 was a year that many people had to learn some harsh lessons. What we typically consider normal was no longer accessible. With the coronavirus, social distancing and stay at home orders became the order of the day. Many people could no longer access their offices to work. Children had to learn from home. Despite the challenges, there were some great learnings. Life did not stop, and people had to readjust. Many businesses had to shift to online platforms to keep afloat. People had to continue to pay bills as usual. Remote work became the order of the day. The...

How to Work from Home Online

As an online worker or freelancer, you will be probably working from home. Working from home can be quite difficult. The home is not a natural place to work. It is normally a place to relax and is filled with lots of distractions like TV, a well made bed, family errands, etc. Working online makes it even more difficult when you add distractions that come with the internet like social networking. In this article which is part of our online work series we will look at how to keep productive while working at home. You can find freelance work on Fiverr. To...

Best Freelancing Websites to Work Online from Home

Online Work Marketplace (a.k.a. Freelancing Websites) are sites that connect employers with skilled workers, ensuring that both get value for their money and time respectively. However, it is always a good idea to deal with leading online work marketplace. As part of our online work series this post will be revealing some of the best freelancing websites where you can find freelance jobs as well as employ skilled workers for your projects. You can find freelance work onĀ Fiverr. Top Sites for Work at Home Freelance Jobs Freelancing Websites sits like a bridge between entrepreneurs and skilled workers (Freelancers). The platforms provide a win-win relationship...

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A good and reliable web hosting service will make a big difference for your business website or blog. This is why great care must...
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