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Advantages of Cloud-Based Technology & Devices

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As you probably know, you will not run out of memory with Cloud-based technology. This is its biggest advantage and one of the reasons why many people use Cloud-based technology on a regular occasion. It is also quick and easy to use, and more often than not, it is faster than most other devices. For these reasons many people use Cloud-based technology. Here are a few more reasons why you may wish to use Cloud-based technology.

Allows you to access your information from all around the globe

You may be in Carolina or Corfu; it does not matter because with Cloud-based technology you are able to access your information anywhere. Even if you do not have your Cloud-based technology device with you, you will still be able to access you information and work from other device.

Saves you from buying tech devices with bigger memory capacity

You do not have to buy a bigger and bulkier laptop or PC, nor do you have to buy the most expensive tablet device. You are able to buy smaller devices that cost less money, and you are still able to save as much information on one as you are on the rest.

You can save your work wherever you are on the globe

Whether you are in Alabama or Albania, you are still able to save your work no matter where you are. You do not have to worry about taking a memory stick with you. You do not even have to worry about taking your own Cloud technology with you because you can all share one machine.

You can share one Cloud-based technology device between many people

If you go on holiday, you will only need to take one Cloud-based device, because each person can log in and access his or her work and files from the Cloud.

Saves you having to buy add-on memory for your existing technology

Buying add on memory for your computing devices costs money. You will never have to do this with Cloud-based technology.

You can use items that are geared towards internet only applications such as a NetBook

Buying things such as a netbook is cheaper than buying a laptop or PC. They are also smaller and faster too.

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You can share other people’s cloud devices and still save your work on your own personal files

You can use another person’s Cloud-based technology and still be able to access your files. Even if your files were created on your own personal Cloud-based technology.

You can buy cheaper Cloud-based technology devices

Cloud-based technology is the cheapest on the market because it does not have the added expense of memory capacity. This extra advantage also means that Cloud-based devices will also (often) run faster than most other machines.

You do not lose all of your work and personal files if your Cloud-based device is lost

If you have something such as a NetBook and you lose it or it is stolen, you will not lose all of your work or your files. You will also not have to worry about another person looking at your work and your files. You are able to regain access to your files from another device.

If someone gets a hard line to your computer, they are not able to see its memory and see your files

If someone goes onto your PC or laptop, or gains access to it over the internet–they are able to look at the files you have saved on your device. This is not the case if you use Cloud-based technology.
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Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor
Paschal Okafor is the founder of NaijaTechGuide. A Graduate of Electrical and Electronics Engineering, Paschal is passionate about Technology and since 2006 has written over 4000 articles covering Mobile Devices, Consumer Electronics, Digital Marketing, Mobile Apps, and Online Services. Over the past 16 years, he has managed to turn a blog that started life on a Google Blogger subdomain into the Largest Technology Blog in Nigeria and quite possibly the largest in Africa. Paschal has been Building, Analyzing, and Maintaining Websites for over 17 years and also shares his wealth of knowledge and experience about building and managing websites on NaijaTechGuide.

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