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AI and Machine Learning in Cybersecurity Threat Detection

Cybersecurity and online threats are ubiquitous these days. It seems like every other day, we're hearing about some data breach, a person being doxxed, or someone, somewhere, falling victim to a cybersecurity threat. Traditional security measures aren't up to the task anymore, and an antivirus/firewall combination simply won't cut it anymore. Today's tech-savvy individuals need a more comprehensive solution to protect themselves online. It doesn’t matter if you run a small business, work from home, or simply want to keep your family safe online. AI and machine learning can help. Here’s how: The Evolution of Cyber Threats Take a moment to check the...

How Do AI Image Generators Work?

AI image generators have created an endless supply of buzz and noise in the digital art world over the past year. The advent of this technology has revolutionized the way we interact with digital art. The thought of having AI machines that can spit out images on text prompts in a matter of seconds is enough to pull out a wow from your lips. Some people have embraced AI image generators to explore their creative freedom from graphics designers to simply anyone in the creative industry. While others, are having cold feet on this technology because of the fear of being kicked...


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Several Compelling Reasons Why AI Will Not Replace Human Programmers

“Will AI replace programmers?” This is a hot topic of the last decade. There are automated platforms for code generation trained on bases from such public repositories as GitHub (Open AI Codex, Code T5, Polycoder). Smart algorithms have already reached an extremely high level: they can assess the quality and uniqueness of code and check it for errors. More and more often, clients are asking software development companies to “create AI to generate sites.” How realistic is this? Let’s figure out if the Skynet era is approaching. The reasons why AI in Programming has attracted Public attention In 2012, the outsourcing...

What is the Future of IT Operations?

Organizations worldwide are focusing more on digital transformation.  But as we talk about digital transformation, it brings hybrid and multi-cloud infrastructure, which creates complexity for the organization. When discussing traditional IT management, it failed due to a lack of innovation and scope. As a result, artificial intelligence in IT operations (AIOps) steps in. AI has gained significant momentum in restructuring the whole IT ecosystem, and the results are pretty promising in transforming IT operations. Whether you need enhanced visibility or exceptional performance in your organization, AI helps achieve it with the perfect combination of algorithms and human intelligence. To integrate AI...

11 Automatic Machine Learning Frameworks in 2023

Machine learning is used in almost every sector, mostly in every industry such as Agriculture, finance, healthcare, and marketing. AutoML frameworks are a very important part of machine learning. An automatic machine learning framework can help a business scale its operations and maintain an efficient ML lifecycle. It also allows anyone to build machine learning models efficiently. Machine learning engineers and data scientists can accelerate ML development using AutoML frameworks. This blog discusses eleven machine learning frameworks in 2023. What is an Automatic Machine Learning Framework? An automatic machine learning framework is an interface that allows developers, machine learning engineers, and data scientists...

Contribution of M2M Technology in Business

It's incredible how much the internet and other technological advances have changed how we interact both between ourselves and the rest of the world. The globe is now more linked than ever before because of M2M communication and the M2M Solutions Company that develops them. By 2022, the worldwide M2M market is expected to be worth over $250 billion in sales. M2M stands for 'Machine to Machine.' It is a term that refers to the interaction of billions of linked gadgets and machines with the internet and with one another. To create an intelligent network of "things" or systems, these devices...

SLAM and Delivery Robots

What is SLAM? SLAM stands for Simultaneous Localization and Mapping. The goal of SLAM is to build a map while you are moving in it. To accomplish this, the robot must continuously create an internal representation or model of what it observes with its sensors (e.g., lasers, cameras), estimate how far away objects are, find unique features to identify them in different observations and use all of the data combined to keep track of where it is in space something like a GPS system for robots. The point of using SLAM algorithms is that they can be used on mobile robots...

How AI Is Impacting the Recruitment Process

Think of a typical recruitment process. The HR department places job advertisements. They receive tons of applications, sometimes running into thousands.  The teams must go through all the resumes. It makes it possible for them to narrow down to those they feel may be the best fit.    The potential candidates come in for interviews. In the end, the HR manager makes a decision. The process can be time-consuming and expensive. Whether the applicant will be hired or not will depend on several factors. Of course, the competency level of the recruit should matter. But there is also the element of bias...

3 Innovative Use Cases Of Artificial Intelligence In Manufacturing Today

What is the objective of every asset-based manufacturing company? All factors remaining constant, all manufacturers who want to stay in business are always looking for better ways to reduce production costs and increase production efficiency in order to enjoy larger profit margins… of course at the safety of workers. But for this dream to become a reality, company machinery, and equipment, among other key components like manpower, need to function flawlessly and at their optimum. However, this is not always the case. One of the main challenges manufacturers face is unplanned downtime caused by machinery. It is even estimated that this kind of...

5 Best Ways to apply Machine Learning on your Apps

Machine Learning is not a new technology. We have already seen many applications with advanced AI algorithms. Recently, when the pandemic hit the human race, there was a rising concern that our hands should not come in regular contact with the face.  It was essentially pointed out in a post on Reddit when this user wanted to create an app using Machine Learning to alert them whenever his hands came near to face. Though this is just one instance of ML’s application, it is almost an integral part of many mobile apps.  According to this tweet, 2019 witnessed more funding than...

Top 7 Technical Skills that can Land you a Techie Job with Extraordinary Packages

Introduction:  Technology is like a never ending ray that extends everyday with new innovations and aspects of learning. With every evolution, it brings a new requirement in the IT sector to the table. And this is where the recruiters expect the individuals to possess the technical skills in trend. So, for a fresh graduate or an IT employee with experience it is important to constantly update themselves with latest technological skills to stay ahead of the curve and fit the bill of current industrial requirements. If you are an individual with a determination of landing a high salary package job in the...

Akon Enlists Artificial Intelligence In Mission To Extend His Green Energy Vision In Africa And Beyond

Akon Lighting America partners with AI leader Group A MondoBrain to provide most-accurate and sustainable energy solutions throughout Africa and America Philanthropist, business mogul and five-time Grammy-nominated artist Akon has announced the signing of a formal partnership between Akon Lighting America (ALA) and leading AI-solutions provider, Group A MondoBrain. The partnership is focused on benefiting the whole of Africa, starting with the Comoros Islands, by leveraging the power of Artificial Intelligence (AI) in the development and delivery of sustainable energy solutions around the world. The announcement was finalized as Akon spoke at a summit on clean tech financing in Dubai, UAE. Akon...

Is AI the Future of the Call Center?

It seems like every week, there’s a news report about how artificial intelligence is disrupting one industry or another. Nothing feels more futuristic than the promise of autonomous cars, but it’s important to recognize that AI’s uses already permeate other aspects of our lives in ways that feel far less at home in a science-fiction film. Everything from Google’s search engine algorithms to Apple’s SIRI uses AI to operate more effectively. With the Wall Street Journal reporting that investment in AI is up more than 40 percent than last year, you may be wondering how AI will impact call centers....

What Technologies does NASA use to explore Mars?

The acronym "NASA" stands for National Aeronautics and Space Administration. The term Aeronautics comes from the Greek words for "air" and "to sail." It is a government agency that was created by Congress in 1958. NASA is located in Washington, D.C. Their mission is to explore space and aeronautics, or flight research. What then are the technologies NASA use to explore Mars? One of them is Artificial intelligence (AI): Artificial Intelligence has played a key role in the technology used for exploring Mars. BeyondLimits is a pioneering AI company with deep roots in the NASA space program, notably AI technology developed at the Jet Propulsion...

Futurealist on Big Data: It’s all about the People

Big data promises to help businesses uncover opportunities they never knew existed. According to the IDC, by 2020, there will be enough data in the world to fill a stack of tablets equivalent to 6.6 times the distance between the Earth and the moon. While the future looks exciting through the lens of big data, organisations have a lot to consider before they dive in. The Futurist on Big Data In big data, futurists see greater efficiencies, increased productivity, reduced costs, and business growth. For the futurist, any business that does not build its strategy around data is dead in the water. Nearly 80%...

Emerging Technologies in AI, IOT and Blockchain

Technology advancement is a topic that cannot be exhaustively discussed because when we think a man has gotten to an unbelievable and remarkable height, the standard gets broken again without something more sophisticated. We would love to look a little into the future and predict what man will do with the likes of Artificial Intelligence, Blockchain and more. These are the views of some experts in the line of technology I want to mention two technologies that are slowly revolutionizing how most tech companies and tech platform work today. Applied Natural Language Processing For decades, NLP was a computer science field that had...

How close did we get to the Artificial Intelligence?

For many years now, artificial intelligence been the major foundation of technology. Almost everything we use virtually is artificial intelligence without us knowing this. Let's take, for instance, google map has in-built artificial intelligence. Question is what is really Artificial Intelligence (AI)?  How close did we get to the artificial intelligence? According to Wikipedia, artificial intelligence also known as machine intelligence defines AI research as the study of "intelligent agents": any device that perceives its environment and takes actions that maximize its chance of successfully achieving its goals. Let's look at a few opinions from experts on what they think about how close...

Insights from AI Smart Companion could Advance efforts against Domestic Abuse

“Ending gender-based violence is an urgent national priority that requires the mobilisation of all South Africans and the involvement of all institutions.” – President Cyril Ramaphosa, February 2019 When we launched rAINbow, an artificial intelligence-powered smart companion that aims to democratise support for victims of domestic violence, in November last year, we did not expect that it would facilitate over 150,000 conversations with South Africans in just over 3 months. This speaks to the fact – as President Ramaphosa noted in his State of the Nation address – that violence against women and children has reached “epidemic proportions” and that something...

Machine Learning, Big Data and Artificial Intelligence in ASP.NET

The best thing about frameworks is that they provide a common platform for many different programming languages. Same goes for Microsoft’s .NET framework, which is a collection of technical support that empowers both businesses as well as individual users. Covering various programming languages on one platform, the ASP.NET framework makes for an amazing choice as compared to other development models for developing artificial intelligence and machine learning applications. Before on moving to our main topic, let’s look at the basic terminology of Machine Learning, Artificial Intelligence, and Big Data. Artificial intelligence is a vast subject and cannot be explained in a single...

8 Interesting Careers to Explore in Big Data

Big data is an unavoidable aspect of business on a global scale. Numerous companies and organizations have decided to devote time to big data research. With an increase in demand for big data experts, a myriad of new careers has arisen. Within them, there is space for many different professions that will only get more sought after. Why is this the case? Well, 63% of all companies have reported failing in big data implementations due to a lack of clarity. If you pick one of these 8 careers, you can easily take up a spot in a reputable company as a...

How Artificial Intelligence is Changing the Face of Home-Based Business Ventures

When most of us envision artificial intelligence (AI) we envision the film of the same name that was released in the early 2000's. Some of us might even recall the HAL 9000 voice from 2001.  Of course, these were nothing more than works of vision although they were quite convincing at the time. While computers are far from becoming self-aware, the fact of the matter is that artificial intelligence has already become an indelible part of our daily lives.  Smart home entertainment systems, dedicated mobile phone apps, Amazon Alexa, and auto-complete fields when performing a simple Google search are all...

How Will AI Disrupt Healthcare?

Artificial intelligence has already become a transformational force in many major industries. It has also had a huge impact on the healthcare industry, and will only continue to do so. Healthcare solutions based on AI technology are becoming more and more common each day. Today, it is possible to get faster and more accurate diagnoses because of AI. Doctors can also create individually tailored prescriptions and treatment plans for each patient by harnessing the power of AI. How will this trend continue? What can we expect from AI? This article dives deep into this subject to find out the answers to...

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