Blockchain and Cryptocurrencies


Sell Bitcoin: How to Sell BTC | Fast Cashout in Nigeria

As more people lose trust in fiat currency, the traditional and widely known means of exchange, many are now leaning towards receiving payment in cryptocurrencies. Hence a rise in demand for platforms to sell bitcoin. With bitcoin being the first cryptocurrency which was founded in 2009 and remains the most traded coin till date, people tend to make use of the coin in exchange for goods and services more than other coins also known as altcoins. In this article, you will learn the easiest and fastest way to sell Bitcoin in Nigeria without the fear of being scammed, receiving low rates,...
Bitcoin Market Cap

Benefits of Market Orders in Algorithmic Trading

Market orders are indispensable for achieving speed and efficiency in trade execution. By executing trades instantly at the current market price, they allow traders and algorithms to capitalize on rapid market movements. This immediacy is especially crucial in algorithmic trading, where every millisecond can impact profitability. Additionally, if you want to know more about investments and firms, you may click Go Speed and Efficiency in Trade Execution Market orders are crucial for speed and efficiency in trade execution. They are designed to execute trades immediately at the current market price, ensuring swift action. In the fast-paced world of algorithmic trading,...
Bitcoin Investing Options that aren't too Risky

The Ethical Considerations of Bitcoin Investment

Bitcoin, the first decentralized cryptocurrency, has won massive recognition and interest from individuals and institutional investors. While its capacity for excessive returns and technological innovation is appealing, Bitcoin funding also raises several ethical concerns. These issues span environmental effects, economic inclusion, market speculation, regulatory compliance, wealth inequality, social obligation, and governance. This article explores those ethical dimensions and offers a comprehensive view of the moral panorama surrounding Bitcoin funding. Go for a deeper dive into the ethical dimensions of Bitcoin funding and how they intersect with environmental impact, economic inclusion, market speculation, regulatory compliance, wealth inequality, social responsibility, and governance. Environmental...
How to Get Started With Bitcoin Trading

Analyzing Market Trends: A Guide to Successful Bitcoin Investment

Investing in Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, calls for a deep knowledge of marketplace developments and dynamics. As one of the most unstable assets, Bitcoin's price moves are prompted by a myriad of factors, which include investor sentiment, technological inclinations, regulatory adjustments, and macroeconomic developments. This article serves as a whole guide to analyzing marketplace traits for a fulfillment Bitcoin investment, providing insights into key symptoms, techniques, and hazard management techniques. Understanding the intricate ecosystem surrounding Bitcoin, similar to this website, demands a comprehensive grasp of its multifaceted influences and strategic approaches to navigate its volatility effectively. Understanding Market Trends in Bitcoin...
Bitcoin Investors Lessons

A Step-by-Step Guide for Beginners: Investing in Bitcoin

Bitcoin, the pioneering cryptocurrency, has captured the imagination of investors worldwide with its ability for excessive returns and disruptive generation. However, for beginners entering the area of cryptocurrency investment, navigating the complexities of creating an investment in Bitcoin can appear daunting. In this step-by-step guide, we break down the technique of investing in Bitcoin for beginners, providing practical advice and insights to help you get started on your Bitcoin investment adventure. In addition, we outline key considerations and potential pitfalls to ensure a well-informed journey into the world of cryptocurrency investment, offering additional details here. Educate yourself about Bitcoin. Before diving into...
Bitcoin Investing Options that aren't too Risky

Bitcoin Investment and Financial Independence:

In the evolving panorama of digital finance, Bitcoin has emerged as an effective device for those seeking financial independence. The idea of economic independence revolves around collecting sufficient wealth to assist oneself without counting on traditional employment. Bitcoin, with its decentralized nature and capacity for big fee appreciation, offers a unique pathway to reaching this purpose. This article explores how Bitcoin funding can contribute to financial independence and offers a roadmap for people trying to harness its capabilities. Understanding Bitcoin investment strategies is crucial for those aiming for financial independence. Go, an investment education firm connecting traders with educational experts,...
Bitcoin Wealthy Person

Bitcoin Empowerment: Investing for Gen Z’s Financial Future

As the primary digitally local technology, Gen Z has grown up in a global society shaped by generation, connectivity, and rapid change. With a keen interest in financial independence and digital innovation, many Gen Zers are turning to Bitcoin and cryptocurrencies as a method of funding and wealth introduction. In this text, we explore the growing trend of Bitcoin investment among Gen Z and the possibilities and stressful situations it provides for empowering the subsequent technology of shoppers. Go to learn more about how Gen Z is navigating the world of Bitcoin investment and its implications for the future...

Adapting to Technological Advances: Bitcoin Investment in the Digital Age

In the short-paced international market of cryptocurrency, Bitcoin investment has continually developed alongside technological advancements. From the early days of mining on personal computers to the rise of state-of-the-art trading structures and decentralized finance (DeFi) protocols, investors have tailored to a swiftly changing landscape fashioned by using innovation and disruption. In this text, we discover the role of technological advances in shaping Bitcoin funding techniques and the opportunities and challenges they present within the digital age. Click this link to explore how technological advances have shaped Bitcoin investment techniques and the opportunities and challenges they present in the digital age. The...
Bitcoin Investors Lessons

Tax Implications of Bitcoin Investment: What You Need to Know

As Bitcoin keeps gaining traction as an investment asset, it's crucial for traders to understand the tax implications of buying, promoting, and keeping Bitcoin. While Bitcoin offers capacity possibilities for capital appreciation and portfolio diversification, navigating the complexities of tax guidelines is vital for staying compliant and maximizing after-tax returns. This article offers a top-level view of the tax implications of Bitcoin investment and gives realistic guidance for traders. To delve deeper into this topic and access the website mentioned for comprehensive insights, interested traders can follow the link provided in the article. Tax Treatment of Bitcoin Bitcoin is treated as an asset...
Nigerians and South Africans Hunt Down Bitcoin on Google

Paxful Sees Potential to Change Lives as Nigerians and South Africans...

Watch out — the hunger for access to financial services in Africa is yet to be satiated. Out of the top five countries that had the highest search volume of hot keyword “bitcoin” on Google in the last 12 months, three are in Africa. In particular, Nigeria tops the chart, followed by South Africa. These soaring high volumes of search don’t seem to be a temporary fad, however, as we also see Nigerians and South Africans look up more practical terms and phrases such as “bitcoin wallet,” “bitcoin trading,” “bitcoin business,” and “how to make money with bitcoin.” Not only that,...
Bitcoin Technology: How It Could Change Third World Countries

Decoding the Psychology of Crypto Investment: Striking a Balance between Emotions...

In the area of finance, few arenas are as emotionally charged and psychologically problematic as cryptocurrency investment. The rollercoaster journey of fee volatility, the attraction of quick profits, and the fear of lacking out (FOMO) often drive investors to make decisions based totally on their feelings instead of a well-notion-out strategy. In addition, if you are looking for a website that helps people learn about investments by connecting them with investment education companies that can help them receive the right information, you may visit The Emotional Rollercoaster: Cryptocurrency markets are notorious for their severe volatility. Prices can skyrocket to unprecedented...
How to Get Started With Bitcoin Trading

Charting the Course: A Guide to Investing in Crypto Startups

Investing in crypto startups gives investors the possibility to participate in the dynamic and modern world of blockchain generation and virtual property. In this article, we'll discover the panorama of investing in crypto startups, speak about key considerations for investors, and offer insights into navigating the venture capital panorama within the crypto space. So, if you are looking for a website that connects you to investment education firms that can help you along your investment journey, consider visiting Understanding Crypto Startups: Crypto startups are early-level agencies that leverage the blockchain era, cryptocurrencies, and decentralized networks to expand modern products, offerings, and...

Crypto Investment for Retirement: Building a Secure Future with Digital Assets

In current years, cryptocurrencies have emerged as a gift-day asset, offering buyers particular opportunities for boom and diversification. As the crypto market continues to mature, more and more humans are considering virtual belongings as part of their retirement planning strategies. Additionally, if you want to know more about investments and firms, you may visit the official site. The Evolution of Cryptocurrencies Cryptocurrencies, led by Bitcoin, have experienced high-quality growth since their inception. What started as an experimental digital overseas foreign money has now grown to be a worldwide phenomenon, with hundreds of cryptocurrencies now in our lifestyles. The enchantment of cryptocurrencies...
Crypto Trading Tactics

Investing in Crypto Index Funds: A Guide to Simplifying Portfolio Management

In recent years, cryptocurrencies have gained considerable traction as a new asset elegance, imparting buyers with specific possibilities for diversification and increase. However, navigating the complex and volatile crypto market may be difficult, especially for buyers with limited time and information. In this text, we will discover the advantages of investing in crypto index price ranges and how they could simplify portfolio management for traders. So, if you are planning to trade crypto, you may consider visiting, a reliable trading platform online. Understanding Crypto Index Funds Crypto index finances are investment budgets that measure the overall performance of a specific cryptocurrency index,...

Cryptocurrency Lending: A Lucrative Passive Income Investment Strategy

Cryptocurrencies have revolutionized the economic panorama, providing revolutionary opportunities for investors to diversify their portfolios and generate passive earnings. In this text, we will discover the concept of cryptocurrency lending, its benefits and risks, and the way traders can leverage this strategy to generate passive profits. In addition, you can find an investment education company to start your learning journey if you click here. Understanding Cryptocurrency Lending Cryptocurrency lending, additionally called crypto lending or decentralized finance (DeFi) lending, entails lending virtual property to borrowers in exchange for interest bills. Unlike conventional lending systems, which are commonly centralized and require intermediaries consisting of banks...
Invest in Cryptocurrency

Security Tokens: Pioneering the Future of Asset-Backed Investments

In the ever-evolving landscape of finance and funding, safety tokens have emerged as a revolutionary device, supplying a new paradigm for asset-backed investments. In this text, we're going to delve into the idea of safety tokens, their advantages, demanding situations, and their capability to reshape the destiny of asset-backed investments. If you wish to learn about investing with education companies, you might consider visiting Understanding Security Tokens Security tokens, additionally called virtual securities or tokenized securities, are cryptographic tokens issued on a blockchain that represent ownership in real-international property. Unlike application tokens, which give buyers the right of entry to a...
Digital Yuan

Legal Considerations for Digital Yuan Investors

Cryptocurrency investors are increasingly turning their attention to the Digital Yuan, China's official digital currency. However, before diving into this investment opportunity, it's crucial to understand the legal landscape surrounding Digital Yuan investments. This article explores the legal considerations that Digital Yuan investors should keep in mind. From the regulatory environment to tax implications, security, and compliance, this guide will help investors navigate the legal complexities of investing in Digital Yuan. So, if you are a newbie in the world of investing, can help you by connecting you to one of many investment education firms out there so that you...
Cryptocurrency Price Fluctuations

Tokenization of Assets: Unlocking Opportunities to Invest in Real-World Assets Digitally

In recent years, the financial landscape has witnessed a high-quality transformation with the appearance of blockchain generation and the rise of virtual property. One of the most widespread trends in this area is the tokenization of assets, which lets buyers symbolize ownership of real international assets digitally. Learn more here if you are looking for a free and easy-to-use website that helps people find an education company to start learning about investments. Asset tokenization is the process of converting ownership rights in real-world assets into digital tokens on a blockchain. These tokens, often referred to as safety tokens or...

Exploring Crypto Investment in Emerging Markets: Assessing Opportunities and Risks

In recent years, cryptocurrencies have gained traction as an opportunity to fund asset classes, supplying precise possibilities for buyers to diversify their portfolios and, in all likelihood, obtain immoderate returns. While advanced markets have been at the forefront of crypto adoption, developing markets are more and more turning into key players in the crypto market. In addition, if you are looking for a website that helps people learn about investments by connecting them with investment education companies that can help them receive the right information, you may visit The Rise of Crypto in Emerging Markets Financial Inclusion: Many rising markets...
Smart Contract

Exploring the Potential of Investing in Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs)

Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) represent a brand new paradigm in organizational shape, governance, and decision-making, powered by the blockchain era and clever contracts. In this newsletter, we will delve into the concept of DAOs, their potential for buyers, and the possibilities and demanding situations related to making an investment in those decentralized entities. For a better trading experience, you may consider visiting a reliable trading platform such as Understanding Decentralized Autonomous Organizations (DAOs) Decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs) are blockchain-primarily based entities that perform autonomously through the execution of smart contracts. These clever contracts encode the rules and governance mechanisms of the employer,...
Crypto Investment 101

Navigating the Regulatory Landscape: Understanding Its Impact on Crypto Investments

The regulatory panorama surrounding cryptocurrencies and blockchain technology has evolved swiftly in recent years, shaping the opportunities and annoying situations for buyers within the crypto vicinity. In this text, we are going to discover the regulatory landscape of cryptocurrencies, communicate approximately key regulatory trends, and take a look at how regulatory trends can affect crypto investments. So, if you are looking for a website that connects you to investment education firms that can help you along your investment journey, consider visiting The Evolving Regulatory Landscape: The regulatory panorama for cryptocurrencies varies considerably from yours. S . A . United States, with governments...

Understanding the Environmental Implications of Crypto Investment

In recent years, cryptocurrency investment has surged in popularity, offering worthwhile possibilities for investors in the abruptly evolving digital asset location. However, as the crypto market grows, so too does difficulty with its environmental effects. In this text, we'll discover the environmental effects of crypto investment and discuss key issues for buyers. Additionally, if you want to know more about investments and firms, you may visit here. The Energy Intensity of Cryptocurrency Mining: Cryptocurrency mining, the method through which new cash is created and transactions are confirmed on blockchain networks, is notorious for its strong consumption. Bitcoin, the largest cryptocurrency with the...
Digital Yuan

Is China’s Digital Yuan Based on Blockchain Technology?

Have you ever wondered what's driving China's financial technology revolution? It goes beyond simply eliminating cash. It delves further into how money will function in the future. This essay dissects China's digital yuan, explaining how it differs from cryptocurrencies and drawing comparisons with the well-known blockchain technology. Are you prepared to explore the core of digital currency? Together, let's solve the riddle. Explore the technology behind China's Digital Yuan with, an automated trading bot at the forefront of digital currency advancements. Dispelling Myths: Does Blockchain Serve as the Basis? As soon as we hear "digital currency," our minds almost instantly...
Digital Yuan

How To Get Yuan Online? Definitive Guide

Have you ever wondered how to navigate the world of digital currencies without getting lost? This beacon guides you. We will examine the process of acquiring Yuan through the Internet, including the configuration of a digital wallet and the execution of an initial transaction. Simple procedures with no extra information are precisely what is required. To commence, let us proceed. Discover how, an innovative automated trading bot, can help you access Yuan conveniently online without hassle. Establishing the Context: Preparing the Digital Wallet Beginning the process of utilizing digital Yuan requires a single, crucial step: configuring a digital wallet. Consider...
Digital Yuan

Why Did China Create Its Own Digital Currency?

The days of cash being king are long gone. Now, picture a world in which a single click completes every transaction. That's not a scenario from a science fiction film; instead, it's the China that China is bringing to life with the Digital Yuan, its virtual money. This piece deconstructs China's decision to abandon traditional currency in favor of a digital future. Are you prepared to fully immerse yourself in this financial revolution? Discover the reasons behind China's creation of its own digital currency and how automated trading bot can enhance your understanding of digital currency trends. The Digital Yuan...
Bitcoin Trading

Bitcoin Revolution: A New Frontier in Nigeria’s Digital Entertainment and Beyond

Bitcoin's technology has captured the attention and imagination of tech enthusiasts around the globe. Its use as a decentralized and internationally recognized cryptocurrency is only the beginning. A fascinating sector in the digital world, cryptocurrency, and specifically Bitcoin, has been making waves in the tech industry. Some professionals are convinced that it holds the key to a fundamental shift in our digital infrastructure. The potential applications of this revolutionary technology are vast and promising. Notably, it's ability to offer secure and transparent transactions using a decentralized public ledger, known as the blockchain, has been tipped as a game-changer in even...
Copy Trading

Social Trading: Investing with the Wisdom of the Crowd

Social trading is revolutionizing investing by leveraging the collective wisdom of a community. It democratizes access to expert strategies, allowing even novice investors to make informed decisions. This approach fosters a dynamic environment where knowledge and experience are shared openly, transforming the way individuals interact with financial markets. Exploring platforms like can enhance your understanding of social trading strategies and investment education. The Concept of Social Trading Social trading is a revolutionary approach to investing that harnesses the power of community and technology. It allows individuals to observe the trading behavior of their peers and expert traders, and to follow or...
Akash Network

How is Akash Network Revolutionizing Cloud Infrastructure with AKT?

Akash Network is reshaping the cloud infrastructure landscape with its decentralized approach, offering cost-effective, secure, and scalable solutions. By leveraging blockchain technology, Akash Network connects users directly with providers, eliminating intermediaries and providing a competitive pricing model. This innovative approach is revolutionizing cloud computing, making it more accessible and efficient for businesses and individuals alike.  Grasping the do’s and don'ts of investing becomes easy with which is one of investment education firms. Akash Network: A Game-Changer in Cloud Computing Cloud computing has become a cornerstone of modern business infrastructure, offering scalability, flexibility, and cost-effectiveness. However, traditional cloud computing models are centralized,...
Bitcoin Investors Lessons

Time-Based Trading Strategies for Bitcoin

As Bitcoin's popularity grows, mastering time-based trading strategies becomes essential. These strategies, focusing on specific time frames, can help traders navigate the volatile cryptocurrency market effectively. Additionally, the offers educational content on cryptocurrency trading, including time-based strategies for Bitcoin, to help investors make informed decisions. Setting Up A Trading Plan: Establishing Clear Goals, Risk Management Strategies, And Entry/Exit Points. When setting up a trading plan for time-based strategies in Bitcoin trading, it's crucial to begin with clear, achievable goals. These goals should be specific, measurable, and realistic, ensuring that they provide a clear direction for your trading activities. Additionally, consider incorporating a...
Invest in Cryptocurrency

5 Surprising Benefits of Portfolio Diversification You Need to Know

As investors seek to navigate uncertain markets, understanding the benefits of diversification becomes paramount. This article explores the surprising advantages of diversifying your portfolio, offering insights into how it can reduce risk, enhance returns, and provide long-term financial security. By simply registering on the official website of Bitcoin 360 Ai, you can take your investing knowledge and skills to the next level. 1. Reduced Risk Exposure Portfolio diversification is a strategic investment approach that aims to minimize the overall risk of a portfolio by spreading investments across different asset classes, industries, and geographic regions. This approach recognizes that different types of investments...
7 Brands to Invest

Tips for Building a Diversified Investment Portfolio

Diversifying your investment portfolio is crucial for managing risk and maximizing returns. However, achieving diversification can be challenging without a clear strategy. This article presents four essential tips to help you build a diversified investment portfolio that aligns with your financial goals and risk tolerance. To refine your portfolio strategy, consider exploring education provided by firms like, known for their investment insights. Define Your Investment Goals Investment goals serve as the foundation for your financial journey, guiding your decisions and shaping your portfolio. To define your goals effectively, start by assessing your current financial situation and considering your future aspirations. Are you...
Trading Platform

The Role of ETFs in International Investing

ETFs have revolutionized international investing, offering diversified exposure to various markets. This documentary explores their impact, starting with their rise and benefits. It delves into their comparative advantages over mutual funds, focusing on cost-effectiveness and liquidity. The discussion includes case studies, risks, and future trends, highlighting ETFs' pivotal role in modern investment strategies. For better understanding about investing, is the educational resource that you must consider. Diversification: How ETFs Offer Exposure To A Wide Range Of International Markets Exchange-Traded Funds (ETFs) are renowned for their ability to provide investors with diversified exposure to a wide array of international markets. Unlike traditional...
Copy Trading

Stop Trading If You See These 3 Market Conditions

In trading, recognizing specific market conditions is paramount to success. This article delves into three critical conditions that traders should be wary of. Extreme volatility, low liquidity, and strong trend reversal signals can significantly impact trading outcomes. Understanding these conditions and knowing how to navigate them is key to avoiding potential pitfalls in the market. The provides crucial advice on when to avoid trading, highlighting three market conditions that every investor should be aware of. Connect with an educational expert right now! Market Condition 1: Extreme Volatility Extreme volatility refers to sharp and unpredictable price movements in the financial markets. It...
Investment Decisions

Investing Is No More Job Of Experts With Modern Tech

The investment landscape has evolved significantly with the advent of modern technology. This transformation has made investing more accessible, reducing the reliance on experts and empowering individual investors with tools and information to make informed decisions. Really want to level up your investing skills? Go now which is an investment education firm that has made investment education accessible to everyone. The Advent of Technology in Investing The investment landscape has undergone a significant transformation with the advent of modern technology. This change is primarily marked by the emergence of online trading platforms and robo-advisors, which have revolutionized how individuals interact with...
Ethereum 1

Ethereum (ETH) Cryptocurrency: Exchanges, Wallet, Price

At the moment, there are thousands of cryptocurrencies being traded among people, businesses, crypto investing enthusiasts and many more. Bitcoin is the most popular and arguably the most traded out of them all, but just like a kingdom has a King and a Queen, the crypto world has a queen — Ethereum. You most likely have heard or stumbled upon the word Ethereum...or not. That's because it is the 2nd most valuable cryptocurrency in the world right after Bitcoin. In this article, we would be breaking down Ethereum into bits for the sake of beginners and the curious cats that...

How to Rebalance Your Litecoin Holdings for Optimal Performance Before the...

The crypto market is a rollercoaster of highs and lows, making it crucial for investors to stay ahead of the game. As we edge closer to the next big surge, it's paramount that your Litecoin (LTC) holdings are positioned to maximize gains. Rebalancing your portfolio might sound daunting, but it's essentially about aligning your investments with your risk tolerance and financial goals. Here's how to get started, ensuring your LTC is in tip-top shape for when the market takes off. Assessing Your Current Position Before diving into the nitty-gritty of rebalancing, take a comprehensive look at where your portfolio stands. It's not...
Bitcoin to Naira Exchanger - Automatic Payout in 10 seconds

Quantum Computing and the Future of Bitcoin

In today's time, people have started adopting digitalization. Each one has created a platform for himself by making some transformative changes in the domain from which we can understand or redefine accounting and finance. Two such technologies that are rapidly revolutionizing the scenario and which seem to be emerging as leaders include quantum computing and Bitcoin. Quantum computing is a technology that is still in its initial stages. The paradigms of classical computing are challenged by where our understanding of computing power is promised. The leading cryptocurrency Bitcoin has ushered in a new era of decentralized finance that challenges our understanding...
Best Blockchains for Development besides Ethereum

Best Blockchains for Development besides Ethereum

Most people who think about Blockchain think Bitcoin. This was an uncontroversial statement just a year ago, but now it is being challenged by Ethereum. The reason for it is that the next evolution of technology, Decentralized Finance, is happening in this platform and virtually nowhere else. As all other projects raze to catch up to Ethereum, the network is beginning to gain recognition with mainstream audiences, and the platform is on its way to becoming a household name. A complete overview of DeFi can be found in DeFi Apps: What you Need to Know (2020). Yet problems arise on the...
Tether (USDT)

Best Tether (USDT) Wallet in Nigeria for 2024

A USDT wallet is an app that allows cryptocurrency users to store and conduct USDT transactions. In this article, we’ll be taking a look at the Best USDT Wallet in Nigeria. About Tether (USDT) Tether (USDT) is the third-largest cryptocurrency in the world by market value. Founded in July 2014 by Brock Pierce, Craig Sellars, and Reeve Collin, Tether is a stablecoin pegged to a fiat currency. Tether USDT in particular is pegged to the United States dollar.  It was designed to maintain the US $1.00. The introduction of fiat currency into the blockchain provides stability and security for users. Its value...
How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin in Nigeria

How to Buy and Sell Bitcoin in Nigeria

There are many options for Buying and Selling Bitcoin in Nigeria. The authenticity of some of these sites and sellers are shady as there is no verification and the sites aren’t safe for you to trade in Bitcoin. We have written this tutorial to guide you on how to buy and sell Bitcoin from Nigeria’s top Bitcoin Exchanges like Binance. Here is our detailed guide on how to buy and sell Bitcoin in Nigeria. How to Buy Bitcoin in Nigeria 1. Register on a Crypto Exchange   The first step in buying and selling Bitcoin in Nigeria is to register on a Crypto exchange....
Healthbase - A new blockchain project that tokenizes patient records

Healthbase – the Launch of a new Blockchain Project promising to...

Bonn - With its headquarters in Bonn, Germany, healthbase is the latest and newest initiative in the blockchain and healthcare sector aiming to advance and revolutionize medical research. You may also be interested on Bitcoin. Healthbase seeks to leverage the core aspects of blockchain technology and advanced information technology to promote medical research and healthcare itself to the next level. The broader aim of the project is to ensure that medical researchers, care providers, as well as patients,  are given easy and secure access to high-quality health data. Progress in the field of medicine and better therapies for patients are the results...
How to Buy Ripple (XRP) in Nigeria

How to Buy Ripple (XRP) in Nigeria

Buying cryptocurrency in Nigeria has been a complicated and technical process in the past. However, Coindirect, a peer-to-peer marketplace recently launched in Nigeria, now offers a fully regulated platform for Nigerians to easily and securely buy Bitcoin and over 30 of the world’s leading altcoins using local payment methods. The platform is currently operating in Nigeria, Kenya, South Africa and the United Kingdom, and will be expanding into more countries later this year. Continue reading to find out how to place your first order for Ripple (XRP) if you are based in Nigeria. Create an account with Coindirect Go to the Coindirect homepage,...
Smart Contract

What is a Smart Contract?

Blockchains, the technology which sits underneath cryptocurrencies like Bitcoin are decentralized ledgers, held by a trustworthy source which tracks who owns what. Long after the Bitcoin hype has died down and the currency has settled at ‘normal’ levels, Blockchains are likely to remain and could underpin much of the high value transaction processing that currently only banks can perform. Blockchains solve some of the most pressing issues associated with internet trades. Because they hold information securely on multiple computers in parallel they are hard to hack. Since they are decentralized, there are no middle men taking a cut simply for...
Mining Bitcoins

Are you Mining Bitcoins the right way? Time to think again

Cryptocurrencies are more mainstream today than they ever were in the past! With parliaments around the world discussing and debating on cryptocurrencies and the Blockchain technology, the digital economy revolution has begun to peak. An increasing number of people are now aware about Bitcoin than they were in the past. This is leading to a rise in Bitcoin mining as well. Bitcoin mining as an activity has been picking pace. While miners are looking towards mining as an opportunity to generate income, there are many who are pointing it out as a threat to the environment. Regardless of the controversies,...
10 Ways Blockchain will Disrupt the E-Commerce Industry

10 Ways Blockchain will Disrupt the eCommerce

Blockchain is basically a ledger; a distributed one. All transactions that occurred on that particular Blockchain are recorded and then stored on the ledger in a form of block data. Once the ledger successfully stores a transaction, it can be removed. This means that with each transaction, the longer the chain of data blocks become. One of the implications of this is that the complete history of transactions from the recent ones to the first entry is available for verification always. A complex cryptography protects all the data recorded in the distributed ledger and when you possess the key, you...
Bitcoin (BTC) Everything You Need To Know

Bitcoin (BTC): Everything You Need To Know

There is a 50% chance that in the last 10 to 12 years, you probably have heard the words Cryptocurrency and Bitcoin from your peers, colleagues at work, relatives, news, etc. While the whole concept of Cryptocurrency (Crypto for short) and Bitcoin (otherwise BTC) isn't new to some reading this, it all seems like magic to a couple of people (reading this). If you fall among the latter category, and there exists the tiniest bit of curiosity in you, then I advise you keep your eyes glued to your screen as we would try to demystify the whole Cryptocurrency and...

Litecoin (LTC): Mining, Trading Exchanges, Wallet

Albeit Bitcoin might be taking all the spotlight in the crypto world, there a couple of other cryptocurrencies that are worth knowing, likewise, your investment. Amongst the over one thousand five hundred cryptos there presently are, a few number of them have managed to put up a good fight against Bitcoin in terms of popularity, value, market cap and other categories. Ethereum, Bitcoin Cash, and Ripple have all come close to Bitcoin and have grown to become the most traded coins in the crypto market. LiteCoin is another cryptocurrency with noting. According to CryptocurrencyFacts, Litecoin was the second most popular cryptocurrency...

Ripple (XRP): Beginners Guide to Concept and Trading

According to the CoinMarketCap, there are 1615 cryptocurrencies in existence in the world at the moment. And going by the information on the list by CoinMarketCap, the top three coin (read: cryptocurrency), according to overall market capitalization, are Bitcoin (BTC), Ethereum (ETH), and Ripple (XRP). We have revealed a couple of things you should know about Bitcoin, its history, valuation, trading and also, gave a couple of mining (production) tips — we so want to make you rich?. Same for Ethereum; read a couple of things about the 2nd biggest crytpo (market cap-wise) here. Getting ones head around cryptocurrency can be...
Bitcoin cash 02

Bitcoin Cash? Here are some things to know about BCH

In today’s Crypto post, we shall be talking about a newcomer in the crypto world that’s making waves and showing a whole lot of prospects. The coin under our beam light today is the Bitcoin Cash (otherwise BCH). Now, if perhaps this is your first time hearing the term “Bitcoin Cash”, I might as well use this opportunity to enlighten you that it is not the “cash you make from trading Bitcoin”, neither is it “Bitcoin in raw, physical cash”. However, if it is any compensation, you might be excited to know that if you thought “Bitcoin Cash” was in some...

Ripple Price Goes Up: What Are the Reasons?

For those of you who are unfamiliar with the crypto world or new to crypto investment, Ripple is one of the leading altcoins available. Unlike Bitcoin, instead of using the Blockchain platform, Ripple uses its own intuitive payment system that relies on peers to verify the transactions. It is open-source and has had backing from a Google (ABC) umbrella company Google ventures. Currently, it is one of the top 5 Crypto tokens and has held a favourable condition since it first launched. Recently, the Ripple price has increased, and this article takes a look at several factors that are causing this...
Cryptocurrency CFD Trading

Cryptocurrency CFD Trading: Spark your Marketplace Business Revenue to Heights

In the changing era of investment with forex trading, many statistics of investment can be altered. The best suitable option of profit can seem running unparalleled with market trends. For hassle-free trading in business growth, some alternatives can turn out to an “Out of Box” like-CFDs, which stands for a contract for difference. CFD’s: Are they making difference in digital payments: CFDs are an easy way to trade. Molding the easing button of buying stocks or commodity shares, you are speculating on their values without physically owning them. In digital payments, CFDs are more than an arrangement for the futures contract, whereby...