

Advances In Lab Equipment Technology: Enhancing Precision And Safety

The rapid development of lab equipment technology has brought about significant improvements in precision and safety. Laboratories across various fields, including pharmaceuticals, environmental testing, and chemical analysis, now operate with enhanced accuracy, speed, and reliability. From automated liquid handling to advanced analytical instruments, each innovation is a testament to the progress in enhancing scientific research’s quality and safety. Modern laboratories benefit from equipment that streamlines workflows, minimizes risks, and ensures the highest levels of precision. Read on to discover how these advances in lab equipment technology transform laboratory practices and enhance precision and safety. Improved Pump Systems For Precision And Safety Laboratories rely...

Why Hearing Aids Are Better Than Ever

Hearing aids these days are so much better than they used to be. Gone are the days when people would wear bulky hearing aids that were very obvious. Times have changed. So why is it that hearing aids are better than ever? We’re going to look at this now: They Have Better Sound Quality The sheer quality of the sound has improved greatly in recent years. The best hearing aids on the market offer less distortion and better sound reproduction. The quality of the sound is a lot better as hearing aids are capable of processing more sound. What this means is that...


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Medical Sensor Equipment: What Should I Check Before making a Pandemic Purchase

With the recent risks around Covid 19, individuals are finding themselves picking up personal testing devices with greater frequency. While these can potentially help with tracking personal health, it is important to make sure that you choose a device that is right for you and properly validated. So, why exactly are people taking the time to pick them up and what should you check before making a purchase? What are the most Popular Devices When it comes to monitoring personal health, two devices lead the charge – blood pulse oximeters and pressure cuffs. These allow you to check the level of blood...

Telehealth: How Healthcare and Tech Are Merging Rapidly

Telehealth has played a major role in the future of healthcare for years, but it has taken on even greater importance during the COVID-19 pandemic. Remote diagnosis, treatment, and monitoring have the potential to help improve outcomes, reduce unnecessary hospital and doctor visits, and facilitate more convenient care. The rapid merging of tech and healthcare has revealed a wide variety of benefits. Patients who need behavioural health services can often receive them via video conferencing, from the comfort of their own home. People with chronic conditions do not have to attend in-person appointments as often, as long as their condition is...

OraQuick – Enter the new HIV Test Kit

This feature story discusses the simplicity and confidentiality of the new test kit for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus The Numbers The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is one of the widespread diseases that have resulted in high mortality rate in the world. Since discovery in 1983, about 75 million people have been infected globally, with about 32 million deaths, according to the World Health Organisation reports. As at the end of 2018, 21 per cent of the world’s population did not know their status and about 37.9 million people were recorded to be living with HIV globally. Of these, 36.2 million were adults, while...

Sanofi Announces AfricaTech 2020 Challenge, Calls for Entries

Sanofi, a global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the lives of people worldwide, is calling on technology entrepreneurs and startups in Nigeria to participate in its 2020 AfricaTech Challenge. AfricaTech is a lab dedicated by Sanofi at VivaTech to encourage open innovation by African technology startups. The AfricaTech Challenge initiative is part of Sanofi’s strategy to promote entrepreneurship and development in the health sector in Africa. Viva Technology (VivaTech) is the biggest tech event in Europe. It gathers under one roof the brightest entrepreneurs, executives, investors, students and academics to collaborate, network, pitch, get inspired and showcase their innovations. In the past...

5 Benefits of Healthcare Apps

There are several reasons why businesses should consider building healthcare apps. With massive growth predicted for the healthcare industry, health and fitness apps are becoming lucrative sources of lifetime revenue. Here are the top benefits of healthcare apps:  Easy Access to Healthcare Healthcare apps provide caregivers immediate access to the things that they need to know. This is something that most healthcare centers and hospitals are going to want just in case the patient is having an emergency. When an emergency happens, the doctor is going to need to know about any of the medications that the patients might be taking. Through...

How Uber Business Model can Solve Medical Brain Drain in Nigeria

A Problem Worth Solving In recent times, there have been a growing rate of emigration of medical practitioners from Nigeria to developed countries. Annually, it is estimated that 2000 doctors leave the country to practice in developed societies. US, UK and Canada are the popular countries of destination. There are about 72,000 medical doctors registered with the Medical and Dental Council of Nigeria (MDCN) but only approximately 35,000 are currently practicing in the country. Consequently, the ratio of doctor per population is approximately 1:6000 for a population of over 200 million in the country. This don’t tally with WHO recommendation of 1...

Tech Innovations For Kids With Autism

At least one in every 125 to 150 children in Nigeria is on the autistic spectrum, that’s equivalent to around 600,000 children. If your child has autism, you will know just how hard it can be and sometimes every day can feel like a struggle for them. Many children have difficulty with communication, understanding emotions and just being able to cope with the noisy and often unpredictable world around them. Fortunately, today’s modern digital world has seen a number of technological innovations developed to enhance the lives of kids with autism and help them to navigate the complexities of our world. Support For Caregivers Despite its prevalence,...

How Technological Disruption is Multiplying Pharmaceutical Revenue Worldwide

The pharma industry has begun understanding the capability of working together with innovation and is overwhelmed by a portion of the top spenders on pharmaceutical R&D from the U.S. This incorporates pro organizations, for example, Pfizer, Merk, Bristol-Myers Squibb, Celgene corp and so forth., every one of them contributing billions of dollars each quarter. Be it in Augmented reality, Artificial intelligence (through chatbot or voice bot) or a simple mobile app development. On similar lines, due to the accessibility of sophisticated technology and a well-created framework for R&D, Singapore has risen as one of Asia's most exceptional center points for...

5 Best Resources to Help you Prepare for MCAT

The MCAT is one of the more intimidating tests in existence. If you are wondering what is the MCAT, it is the medical school admission exam. The good news is that with intense preparation and the right study resources, it is possible to excel on the exam. The trick is knowing what the most helpful study resources are. With that in mind, here are five things that you can do to study for the exam. 1. Practice Exams: Practice exams are perhaps the single most valuable way of studying for a standardized test. There are several benefits of taking practice exams. First,...

How CBD Can Help You Sleep

Having a hard time sleeping? It's not just you. Many adults don't sleep the recommended seven to nine hours per night. That can be a problem, putting you at a greater risk of chronic disease such as diabetes, high blood pressure and obesity. But CBD might be a solution. CBD oil has been touted as a potential treatment for painful inflammation, anxiety, stress, and insomnia. And it might be a helpful tool to support your healthy sleep habits. How is CBD Helpful? CBD is marijuana without THC, so it offers some of the benefits of marijuana without the psychoactive effects. CBD can...

Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare (Infographic)

Studies show that Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a significant role in the bedside manner of care providers. What’s more, healthy emotional intelligence fosters trust between medical professionals and patients, and as a result, doctor-patient relationships flourish, resulting in increased patient satisfaction and compliance. This trait is invaluable for medical professionals. Care providers who possess ample emotional intelligence are better equipped to deal with the challenges and stresses experienced when working to heal others. Also, practitioners who possess EI are less inclined to experience stress to the point of burnout. Emotional intelligence is not a new concept. Still, there is a revitalized...

Artificial Intelligence: The Next Advancement In Cancer Treatment

Technology as a whole has gone through rapid changes over the past couple of decades, with new breakthroughs being made every year. One of these more recent technological breakthroughs is the use of artificial intelligence (AI). From predicting our purchasing behaviors through online retailers to asking our smartphones a voice-assisted question, whether we realize it or not, we are interacting with AI systems every day. While these are minor examples of the capabilities of AI, this technology is now being integrated into more important fields, such as healthcare. With AI-equipped supercomputers leading the way in transformative healthcare practices, the discussion has...

Importance of Technology in Healthcare

It is amazing to look backwards and realize that how technology and inventions have made our lives simpler. If someone from 100 years ago visits the present world, they would think that this is a mere dream or a whole another dimension. Same could be said for the advancements in the healthcare sector. Areas like biotechnology, information technology, pharmaceuticals and development of medical devices have made significant contributions improve the health of people all around the world. In this article, we have discussed how technology is shaping the present health industry - Enhanced Research Understanding a disease or its root cause has...

Full Spectrum CBD and CBD Isolate: What Differences?

While cannabidiol (CBD) products are slowly entering the French market, it is sometimes difficult to know which type of CBD has been used. Most commonly, two types of CBD are used: either full-spectrum CBD or CBD isolate. You may have already seen the full spectrum or  99% CBD on bottles of CBD oil or e-liquid, but without really knowing the difference. Here are some explanations. What is full spectrum CBD? CBD full spectrum ( full spectrum CBD in our English neighbors) means that cannabidiol extract also contains other cannabinoids, CBN, CBC and CBG for example, and sometimes even of THC in legal...

How Will AI Disrupt Healthcare?

Artificial intelligence has already become a transformational force in many major industries. It has also had a huge impact on the healthcare industry, and will only continue to do so. Healthcare solutions based on AI technology are becoming more and more common each day. Today, it is possible to get faster and more accurate diagnoses because of AI. Doctors can also create individually tailored prescriptions and treatment plans for each patient by harnessing the power of AI. How will this trend continue? What can we expect from AI? This article dives deep into this subject to find out the answers to...

How Can Wearable Technology Improve Our Health And Daily Activities?

The wearable technology industry has taken the healthcare industry by storm, within just a couple of years after its emergence. It has revolutionized the healthcare by assisting doctors in getting real-time access to electronic records of patients. The advantages of wearable technology are not limited to the doctors alone. Any individual can now monitor his own health, thanks to wearable technology. Therefore, it is no surprise that the global retail revenue derivable from wearable devices is expected to reach $53.2 billion by the end of 2019. Analysts in health sector believe that this widespread popularity of wearable technology and adoption of...

Don’t take a Vacation from your Medication: An app for a healthier Africa

Recent statistics indicate that there are 20.5 million smartphone users in Nigeria – a number that is expected to reach 23.3 million come 2019. App developers worldwide have taken advantage of this trend, designing apps that range from fun and entertaining to useful and practical. Useful and practical apps come in many forms and users can find anything from ‘train your brain’ exercises to learning new languages. Furthermore, health-related apps, such as those helping users stay fit or lose weight, have become a prominent feature in app stores, and it is estimated that there are currently around 260 000...

Advances in Pulse Oximeter Technology

Although most people believe that they have never used a pulse oximeter, almost all of us have throughout our lives. The small, pocket sized devices that nurses and physicians place on your fingertip at the beginning of every appointment is a pulse oximeter. So what are tiny devices measuring? Pulse oximeters are used to measure blood oxygen saturation levels to ensure there is an adequate amount of oxygen in the blood. Too much or too little oxygen can lead to serious health implications in people of all ages. Pulse oximeters are not only used in medical settings, but also for...

Omron Blood Pressure Monitor – Avoid Hypertension

You can now monitor your blood pressure without visiting a hospital. This you can do with digital blood pressure meters like Omron blood pressure monitor range. Omron Blood Pressure Monitor Products are easy and convenient to use. You can now test your blood pressure everyday. The Omron Blood Pressure monitor is recommended for elderly people and will be a great gift for mum, dad, aunt or uncle. However, you have to buy an original and a reliable product. One such product is the NAEDAC registered Omron blood pressure monitors which are available in Nigeria. Omron is a European product. The Omron...

More Posts on NaijaTechGuide

Emotional Intelligence in Healthcare (Infographic)

Studies show that Emotional Intelligence (EI) plays a significant role in the bedside manner of care providers. What’s more, healthy emotional intelligence fosters trust...

Tech Innovations For Kids With Autism

At least one in every 125 to 150 children in Nigeria is on the autistic spectrum, that’s equivalent to around 600,000 children. If your child has autism, you...

How Uber Business Model can Solve Medical Brain Drain in Nigeria

A Problem Worth Solving In recent times, there have been a growing rate of emigration of medical practitioners from Nigeria to developed countries. Annually, it...

Sanofi Announces AfricaTech 2020 Challenge, Calls for Entries

Sanofi, a global biopharmaceutical company dedicated to improving the lives of people worldwide, is calling on technology entrepreneurs and startups in Nigeria to participate...

OraQuick – Enter the new HIV Test Kit

This feature story discusses the simplicity and confidentiality of the new test kit for the Human Immunodeficiency Virus The Numbers The Human Immunodeficiency Virus is one...

Telehealth: How Healthcare and Tech Are Merging Rapidly

Telehealth has played a major role in the future of healthcare for years, but it has taken on even greater importance during the COVID-19...

Medical Sensor Equipment: What Should I Check Before making a Pandemic Purchase

With the recent risks around Covid 19, individuals are finding themselves picking up personal testing devices with greater frequency. While these can potentially help...

How Technological Disruption is Multiplying Pharmaceutical Revenue Worldwide

The pharma industry has begun understanding the capability of working together with innovation and is overwhelmed by a portion of the top spenders on...
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