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How to Use a CRM for Real Estate: 10 Tips

Real estate is a very profitable business, but it is very important to manage clients properly so as to succeed in the business. Implementing a CRM system specifically designed for real estate agents can prove beneficial to increase productivity, improve client relationships and subsequently increase sales. However, the mere adoption of a CRM is not a guarantee for success. Learning how to use this tool optimally is of great importance. This blog covers 10 real estate CRM tips that you can follow to improve your efficiency and business success. Why use a CRM in Real Estate? By 2032, the real estate CRM...

How to Use Email Automation Tools to Build a Winning Email Strategy

Managing your emails manually might make sense if you have a small number of subscribers or if you only send newsletters sporadically. But it can prove to be counterproductive as your marketing campaigns scale. That's when email automation tools come in to save you time and effort. However, email automation is not the same as sending automated, generic messages. Instead, it’s a powerful tool that helps marketers engage their audience even more. Automated emails drive conversions 1 out of 3 times. In the case of welcome and cart abandonment emails, the percentage is even higher, with 50% of subscribers who click...


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Best Content Marketing Strategies that Can Boost Audience Engagement

The main reason for you to put content out there is to inform and create awareness about your brand. You like it when you know that people have noticed your content but it becomes even great news for you when you are engaged with your readers. You know that your audience is engaged with you when they comment, like or share your content. This way you know that your content (brand) is providing value amidst the competition. It is no easy task to earn customer engagement but with a little more creativity, consistency, and a concerted effort you get what...

Top 20 Digital Marketing and SEO Blogs You Should Follow

Today, when the attention span of every human is decreasing, a proper application of SEO and good content can boost the rank of a website. SEO consists of all the methods applied to get your site, and its contents rank higher on platforms like Google. Lots of things contribute to being on the first page of the search result. Methods can range from technical practices to promotional content. Building a website needs the perfect use of search optimizer. Keywords also play a vital role in defining the visibility in the search results. Short or long tail keywords have their purposes based on...

8 Lead Generation Tactics That Can Give Startups a Vast Boost

Sales funnel management is quite a challenging task for startups. Why? Because it depends on how the lead generation techniques were initially set up. If they were built with scalability in mind, startups won't experience any problems. On the other hand, they can hit the wall and not have enough resources to come out of the tight spot. Fortunately, there are plenty of scalable lead generation methods which are light on resources that startups can implement from day one. All the following lead generation tactics and pieces of advice, e.g. creating online quiz to optimizing your CTAs, will give startups a vast...

B2B Content Marketing Trends and Statistics

Many B2B business owners and marketers will agree that content marketing is as yet the primary main force of the digital marketing landscape. Its unmatched considerable returns and effectiveness on investment. It conveys the motivation behind why it is still a go-to marketing technique for most organizations, including those that work in the B2B sector. For forward-thinking marketers and those that need to improve their content marketing efforts further, the best way to use these changes is to recognize which of these apply to their business and to revive their method to ensure that what the best players in the market...

Reasons why CRM is Popular in Sales (Infographic)

Did you know that the CRM software industry is one of the biggest in the world? And the trend is said to continue in the future as well.  By 2025, revenues generated due to CRM is expected to exceed 80 billion dollars! What is a CRM? CRM refers to a wide array of tools and strategies that help manage customer interaction with your brand. It enables you to identify and analyze various customer metrics throughout a customer’s lifecycle with your organization. Regardless of whether you are a B2B organization or a B2C firm, managing customer relationship is crucial for the success...

Don’t Underestimate What Data Science Can Do For Your Marketing

Don’t Underestimate What Data Science Can Do For Your Marketing It’s an art. It’s a science. No, it’s data science.   Fuse the disciplines of computer science, mathematics, and business and you get data science. Data science allows Walmart executives to discover special trends no one would have ever predicted, reveals to you what you should watch next on Netflix, and customizes product resources for Target customers. Use it as a powerful method to uncover elements for what drives people to download or uninstall an app. This leads us to mobile marketing and how it can help you. With data science, you...

5 Ways to Leverage your Mobile POS to Improve your Marketing Strategy

If you’ve invested in a mobile point of sale (POS) system, you know all about the benefits that this tool brings to your business. Using a mobile POS system you’re able to automate and streamline inventory management, have access to real-time sales data and other analytics, along with more efficient employee management. But did you know that a mobile POS system can also improve your marketing strategy? If you’re looking to create more personalized, targeted, and successful marketing strategies, you’ve got just the tool you need. Here are 5 ways that you can leverage your mobile POS system for improved marketing. 1....

7 B2B Tech Companies Killing It on Instagram

Instagram has grown into the second most used social networking platform after Facebook. With nearly a billion active monthly users, there are plenty of reasons to take this app seriously. For one thing, it has proven to be the most visually stimulating App. Your client base can get an excellent idea of your product or service from looking at your content. It has also resonated well with the current tech-savvy generation. If you get more likes, it may well translate to greater brand loyalty. As a result, you can engage with your clients as they age and bring to rise...

Is ORM important for Small Businesses?

There’s a lot that you can tell about a person from the first impression you develop about him. This is why the old maxim, ‘the first impression is the last impression’ rings true. Because, if you or someone you are interacting with doesn’t leave a positive first impression on you, then you may not take your relationship with that person any further. This process of judging and understanding someone is the same when it comes to customers searching for a business. If their first impression of your work is not positive, then they wouldn’t bother purchasing your products or services. Most...

The Marketer’s Guide to Search Engine Optimizing Non-Written Content

We’ve all heard about how inbound marketers need to get more creative with their content format by incorporating visuals, audio, and images. Heck, we’ve even created a free crash course for non-designers to create visual content to react to this trend. With all these content types, aren’t we forgetting something? Oh right. SEO. Even with the new glasses, Google still can’t read and index images, video, and audio content without a little help. Luckily, we have everything you need to know about SEO for non-written content, from images, to video, to audio content. Let's dive in, shall we? Best Practices for...

Digital Marketing for your Business

These days you need to tap into Digital Marketing to grow your business. With the world going digital, you cannot afford to be left behind. Businesses of all sizes from the small home-based businesses to large global enterprises now use digital marketing to grow their market share and profit. As a small business owner there are three approaches you can use to run digital marketing for your business. You can do it yourself, employ someone to manage your digital marketing, or engage the services of a digital marketing service provider like DevilzSEO. Each approach has its pros and cons, you just...

The Tech Trends Changing Modern Digital Marketing

As the world of technology evolves, marketing — particularly digital marketing — continues to evolve with it. Just recently Microsoft announced plans to make artificial intelligence available to everyone in Africa through its 4Africa initiative. And once AI is widely available in Africa, it’ll transform the digital marketing landscape just like it already is elsewhere in the world. Let’s take a closer look at AI and other tech trends set to change the world of marketing. Artificial intelligence Artificial intelligence makes data analysis more efficient for marketers so they can better understand customer behaviour and patterns. Rather than having to manually create various buyer...

Should I Buy Fake Followers for my Instagram?

Everyone these days wants a quick following on Instagram and many people are even willing to pay for the same. But should you? Well, don’t be tempted by those ads offering to sell you Instagram followers; they might give you little long-term benefit and will harm you eventually. People who sell Instagram followers typically use bots, fake or empty accounts and most of them are closed sooner or later by Instagram. Some of these bought followers are real but they are not of much use as they don’t really engage with your posts in a relevant manner. Building a following on Instagram...

How To Scale Up Your Digital Campaigns With Automation Software

With millions of businesses striving to get their share of the internet goodies today, it’s become increasingly difficult to run effective digital campaigns due to the high competition for customer attention. Indeed, for your business to stand out and drive significant sales online today, you need a sound marketing strategy that gives you the much-needed edge over the existing competition. One easy and proven way to achieve success online is by automating key processes and functions in your business. This not only helps to reduces errors and needless losses but also frees up your time and resources to allow you focus...

5 Email Marketing Tips that will Help you Grow your E-commerce Business in 2023

No matter, how cliché it sounds “Email marketing is the King” for online entrepreneurs. There is a huge focus on it and is considered as a heavy hitter in the online shopping world. To clear the air “ Email marketing is not dead”. Instead, it is one of the strongest drivers of ROI. An email should be a one piece of strategy that will increase your chances to stand out among the competition. It helps in creating a productive experience-irrespective of the purchase. Let’s have a more clear idea by understanding the below scenario: A few days back, I bumped into an old...

Offline Referral Campaigns for SEO Brand Marketing

When it comes to running the business, we could see that millions of people are seeking for various best niches that work well with the target audience. One should keep it in mind that the business people should be aware of strategies that they need to follow and utilize it. Well, based on those strategies, the business can be easily developed without any hassles. On the other side, we all know that most of the businesses are seeking online marketing stuff for the better reach. Also, it works well with most of the people like we thought before. If you are...

How to Write Effective Outreach Emails When Struggling To Perform Media Outreach

In a world where online marketing takes so many evolving forms, there is one thing that has never changed: the effectiveness of a well-crafted marketing email. The problem is that so few marketers ever learn how to differentiate between the various kinds of marketing emails. Your approach must match the target audience. Miss the mark and your message become nothing more than a negative statistic in your metrics. What Is Outreach Email? The term outreach email refers to email campaigns that are designed to get the attention of specific people within an organisation. In most cases, that includes people like CEOs and managers,...

An Overview of Internet Marketing in the Modern Context

Online marketing is widely accepted as the most affordable way to reach one's target market, no matter the size of your business. How exactly does it relate to today’s context? Also called online marketing, web marketing is the process of marketing products or services over the internet utilising tools that assist drive traffic, leads, and sales. Web marketing is a pretty broad term that encompasses a variety of marketing methods - e-mail, search, paid media and more. Today web marketing is often referred interchangeably with Content Marketing. Why is this so? Content marketing will remain relevant today and for the foreseeable future. It involves...

5 Ways Blog Can Help Your Business

It is well proven that blogging is an essential part of business promotion these days. The process may appear critical, but once you start working in this direction, it is possible to achieve desired results in lesser time. No matter what kind of business you are running online, blogs can always lead the best impression of your niche online. Some experienced professionals even prefer to connect their blogs to social media polls and contests while making efforts to buy contest votes online. It helps them to attract audience attention in the market and can lead considerable benefits for the long run. There...

How to Do Referral Marketing to Grow your Business

So you want to learn Referral Marketing? I got you covered. Today, I will talk about referral marketing and why you should do it. I will also go through the whole setup process step-by-step and give you the best practices in referral marketing. Are you ready? Let’s dive in. What is Referral Marketing? Referral Marketing is a form of marketing where you let your customers do all the hard work of referring customers to your website. This can be a simple ‘refer-a-friend’ program in your website or it can be an affiliate marketing program where the business owner recruits affiliates to promote their...

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As a content marketer, you have a lot of tasks to accomplish. You need to create and manage your content marketing funnel, create amazing...

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Samsung Galaxy Phones are the secret of Samsung's dominance in the smartphone market. Samsung Galaxy is the brand name of Samsung's line of Android...

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Best Android Phones 2024 – Price, Specs, and Best Deals

New Android Phones are launched into the market every week. This means that if you are in the market for a smartphone you have...

Best Web Hosting Services for Building Websites in 2024

A good and reliable web hosting service will make a big difference for your business website or blog. This is why great care must...
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