Cloud Services

Driving Innovation Through Data

Driving Innovation through Data: The Key to Competitive Advantage

In today's fast-paced business environment, driving innovation is essential for companies aiming to stay ahead of the competition. Increasingly, organizations are turning to data-driven approaches to fuel their innovation efforts, recognizing the transformative potential of leveraging data insights to gain a competitive advantage. Harnessing Data for Insights At the heart of data-driven innovation lies the ability to harness data for valuable insights. Big data consulting services specialize in helping organizations unlock the power of their data through advanced analytics techniques. By analyzing vast amounts of data, businesses can identify patterns, trends, and opportunities that may otherwise remain hidden. These insights serve as the...
The Pros and Cons of Cloud-based Software Systems

The Pros and Cons of Cloud-based Software Systems (Infographic)

Many in the business world resorted to using cloud-based systems thanks to the multiple benefits associated with them. One-third of Australia’s business sector use cloud-based systems, 85 % use cloud computing services, and 60% use cloud for storage purposes. Some of the benefits reaped from using cloud include efficient operations, large storage capacity, and accessibility. Data computing use up a computer’s storage and memory which usually results in slower performance as the tasks get more cumbersome and more data is stored in a drive. Cloud computing, on the other hand, eases operations by using cloud-based software which only requires an...
Technical Skills

Top 7 Technical Skills that can Land you a Techie Job...

Introduction:  Technology is like a never ending ray that extends everyday with new innovations and aspects of learning. With every evolution, it brings a new requirement in the IT sector to the table. And this is where the recruiters expect the individuals to possess the technical skills in trend. So, for a fresh graduate or an IT employee with experience it is important to constantly update themselves with latest technological skills to stay ahead of the curve and fit the bill of current industrial requirements. If you are an individual with a determination of landing a high salary package job in the...

Sony Announces Cloud based TV Service at CES 2014

Sony is betting big on the cloud this year. The company isn't going to stop with PlayStation Now, a cloud based service for streaming games, it also announced a cloud based service that will offer TV, Video on Demand, and DVR. This service is expected to enable users stream content on devices like the PS4, PS3, PS Vita, Smart TVs, and Android devices. Very little is known about the service. In fact, the service which was announced at CES 2014 in Las Vegas is still unnamed. Essentially the cloud based service will blend live TV from your cable with video...
Cloud Analytics in Healthcare

Cloud Analytics in Healthcare: How Can It Provide Real-World Intelligence?

Cloud Analytics is the assessment of performance reports of all incumbents of cloud infrastructure such as data, systems, procedures, and others, in order to derive better values from their collective and cohesive use. Cloud analytics makes it easy for users to know how far their decision to use cloud infrastructure has helped them achieve the values they are striving for. Further, it builds the road map ahead to look for solutions that can improve performance in terms of scalability, ease of deployment, and better deliverability. Real-world intelligence comes from templates, formats, databases, previous case studies, and various research-based analyses. In the...
Best Cloud Hosting

Best Cloud Hosting Providers in 2023

While shared Hosting has been the traditional method that businesses have been using for hosting, Cloud hosting has been increasing in popularity over the years due to its flexibility and scalability. In this article, we will explore the best cloud hosting providers in 2023, highlighting their key features, performance, pricing, and customer reviews. Cloud hosting is a modern type of hosting that combines the cost effectiveness of shared hosting with the flexibility, reliability, and scalability of VPS Hosting. Though like shared hosting multiple websites run on one server in cloud hosting, but each website runs on a virtual server with...
Cost Effective Storage Technology for Enterprises

Cost Effective Storage Technology for Enterprises

Data growth has made the acquisition of efficient data storage solutions necessary for every enterprise. Entrepreneurs realized this necessity early on and this resulted in the vast amount of storage options available in the market today. There are several storage solutions available but which is best for an enterprise depends on the data requirements of the enterprise. For instance, an enterprise with large amounts of unstructured data should acquire and setup a Network Attached Storage (NAS) appliance while an enterprise dealing with volumes needs iSCSI storage (block-level storage / Storage Area Networks (SAN) storage appliances). Which kind of storage is...
Cloud Storage - Cloud Computing

Should I Transition to Private Cloud Computing

More and more businesses are migrating from the legacy system to the cloud technology. Even in the cloud technology, their choice is private cloud technology over public cloud. Reason being, private cloud is dedicated to the needs and goals of their organization. It delivers similar advantages to the public cloud, including scalability and self-service, but through a proprietary architecture. Unlike the public cloud, the private cloud is dedicated to fully meet needs and goals of a single organization. Furthermore, it enables you to have control over it with dynamic or unpredictable computing needs, and you can customize it according to...
How Data Centers Impact Cloud Hosted

How Data Centers Impact Cloud Hosted Websites

In the last few years, Cloud Hosting has brought about a major change in the way site owners perceive web hosting services for their websites. With benefits including instant resource scalability, higher page load speeds, and an improvement in the overall performance of your website, moving your website to Cloud Hosting is an advantageous decision. However, it is important to understand that Cloud Data Centers (CDCs) play an important role in the availability of most of these features. Today, let’s look at the aspects where the CDCs can impact Cloud Hosted websites. High-performing Servers due to Optimum HVAC Systems: Heating, Ventilation, and Air...
Reduce Your Cloud Cost

4 Guaranteed Ways to Reduce Your Cloud Cost

Remember the excitement when you decided migrate to the cloud. Oh, am going to save lots of money you taught. However, 14 months down the line you begin to feel that moving to the cloud was a bad decision. If you asked 10 companies why they decided to migrate their in-house operations to the cloud, nine of these companies would put “cost savings” at the top of their list. However, that hope is all too often met with disappointment. In 2017, AWS stated that about 35% of cloud spending is wastage, and back then, that was $6.4B of their revenue. AWS probably isn’t...
What happens when Free Google Photos Storage is no longer Free?

What Exactly is Cloud?

Today, more and more technologies are moving to the cloud. After all, a cloud service like the labs cloud is not just a useful tool for storing data and computing, it helps companies adapt to changing, growing and dynamic changes. What is the difference between Cloud and Traditional Software? Software installed on a personal computer performs all operations on a personal computer. With cloud software, such as G-Core Labs, a data center outside of your organization does most of the work. You just see the results on your screen. Cloud computing is an online alternative to the processes that organizations typically perform on...
Hacks to fix iCloud Storage

Simple Hacks to fix iCloud Storage is Full

We are living in the age of modern technology. Due to the emergence of the latest technology we have various devices and tools for our routine life. The one of this advancement is the iCloud technology. This technology is usually used to store your data in a virtual server managing by the Apple ecosystem. The whole of the devices of Apple including iPhone is enabled with this technology. The free space which is offered by iCloud is limited to 5GB. This is limited space for mobile users. Majority of the users are facing the issues of the low storage in their...
MTN Cloud Backup

Backup as a Service from MTN – Cloud Storage Packages

Backup as a service, otherwise known as BaaS, is a cloud-based solution from MTN targeted at small and medium-scale businesses that are interested in keeping their files confidential and protected. It offers businesses a good means of outsourcing backup needs and keeping business data in a remote location. BaaS and Features MTN BaaS is a prepaid hosting service that is designed to help small and medium-scale businesses back up important files and folders to MTN data centre backup servers on-the-go. The backup service not only provides businesses an off-site storage solution, but a secure one as well. Your data is encrypted by...

Advantages of Cloud-Based Technology & Devices

As you probably know, you will not run out of memory with Cloud-based technology. This is its biggest advantage and one of the reasons why many people use Cloud-based technology on a regular occasion. It is also quick and easy to use, and more often than not, it is faster than most other devices. For these reasons many people use Cloud-based technology. Here are a few more reasons why you may wish to use Cloud-based technology. Allows you to access your information from all around the globe You may be in Carolina or Corfu; it does not matter because with Cloud-based...
Artificial Intelligence and Machine Learning - Top Tech Trends

Top 10 Tech Trends to make the most of the New...

The word “Technology” brings about a notion of change and it is for the right reasons! Technology is primarily change. We have heard about the phrase “change is the only constant”, it is particularly true when we talk about technology. It is no secret that the technology we were using a while ago have become ancient history as the change is at such a rapid pace. Even true looking back at the tech we used to use a couple of years ago which have now become so drastically different. One thing that is true about the IT space is that one...
Things to Consider About Cloud Services

10 Things to Consider About Cloud Services

Despite cloud computing being over a decade old, it's only been in the past few years that it has become an IT standard. If your company is considering moving to the cloud, there are a few things to consider. Let's look at the top ten things you need to give thought to before adopting cloud services. 1. Understand Today's IT Reality Things are changing rapidly in the economy and the marketplace. This makes it difficult for companies to determine where to spend money in IT, both short and long-term. Mobility makes external access a growing need. IT services need to be flexible, scalable, and...
What happens when Free Google Photos Storage is no longer Free?

What happens when Free Google Photos Storage is no longer Free?

Just this Wednesday, Google Photos announced it will stop offering free unlimited storage for high-quality photos on June 1, 2021. Photos uploaded after the date will be counted towards the 15GB Drive cap. If the account is inactive or exceeds the 15GB limitation for two years, Google may delete the photos after warning. Users will either need to pay for a recurring fee or look for an alternative if they run out of room. As such change of policy projected to affect more than 1 billion users worldwide, many may start to wonder what they are ought to do with...
Tool to Mount Cloud Storage Accounts on your Mac and Windows

Tool to Mount Cloud Storage Accounts on your Mac and Windows

Are you ever looking for a tool which can mount cloud storage accounts on your Mac or Windows? If yes, then I have found one for you. CloudMounter is a tool which can help you to mount cloud storage accounts like Google Drive, Dropbox, OpenStack, and Amazon S3 on your Mac or Windows. It also uses AES256 encryption standard for securing the information and data on the system. Isn’t it great? Yes, I know it is AWESOME. CloudMounter is one of the most awesome tools I have ever come across. It has many features and it works great. The best thing about CloudMounter is its simple...
aws certified solutions architect associate

Simple Strategies to Get Certified as an AWS Solutions Architect

An AWS Solutions Architect designs and deploys applications and systems on the AWS cloud computing platform. Getting certified as an AWS Solutions Architect - Associate verifies your technical capacity in managing AWS (Amazon Web Services) systems. What is the AWS Certified Solutions Architect - Associate Certification? Getting AWS Certified Solution Architect - associate credential validates your following abilities:  Develop and deploy highly available and scalable solutions on AWS Migration of an on premise application to AWS cloud (Lift & Shift) Data management and integrity to and from AWS cloud Choosing the right AWS service based on the requirements such as...

Box for Business – An Overview

A number of consumers have found Cloud storage services like Box beneficial because of their ease of use. However, the benefits of cloud storage are not only limited to consumers. A number of businesses that have delved into this trend have already experienced some benefits of cloud storage services. Businesses generate volumes of files daily, which can pile up to tens or hundreds of gigabytes of files very quickly. Businesses also want to ensure that their files are secure. While traditional servers or storage hardware can answer this, most small to medium sized businesses could find the cost of purchasing...
The Application of Cloud Technology in Translation Services

The Application of Cloud Technology in Translation Services

Is your company overwhelmed by its translation assignments? Maybe of late things seem like they are bursting the seams; almost always you have too much work to accomplish immediately. What makes the matter worse is that you are constantly under pressure to meet customer expectations. As if that is not enough, you still have your competitors to contend with.  If your translation services are slow and (or) erroneous you can say goodbye to your translation business. So what is the way forward? Certainly, you need some enlightenment on the application of cloud technology in translation services. Why? Gone are the days when...
Top 3 Managed AWS Services

Top 3 Managed AWS Services in 2018

There are very few firms that provide actual cloud computing services, AWS by Amazon is one of them. However there are hundreds of resellers selling cloud computing services in the market. In this article, we will take you through a brief introduction on AWS services, and offer top 3 best managed AWS services, and so much more. In case you haven't figured it out yes, AWS is short for Amazon Web Services and is the generic name for Amazon's suite of cloud computing services. As per a recent report from Markets and international dailies, the managed services market will grow from $138.27...
Reasons Businesses Should Invest in Backup and Recovery Services

Reasons Businesses Should Invest in Backup and Recovery Services

Regardless of the type or size of business you are running, it is recommended that you always have a dependable recovery system in place. It helps to make operations a lot easier. Should disaster ever strike, you can be assured that all your crucial data is secure. Many investors usually ignore disaster recovery preparations until they suffer huge losses. Avoid being in this position by prioritizing backups. It also helps to outsource the service, since it comes with numerous perks such as: Safer than On-site Backups In a majority of cases, onsite backups usually work wells for some time. Trouble sets...
EEDC Enugu - Startup helps fight electricity theft in Nigeria

Startup helps Fight Electricity Theft in Nigeria

The main consequence of electricity theft are widespread power outages. Also, electric utility companies across Nigeria struggle with illegal connections to the power grid that generate huge losses and are a hazard for locals. GIS Cloud a startup from Europe is joining the fight to help mitigate this problem. The Enugu Electricity Distribution Company utilized their GIS solution to map the entire distribution network and enumerate customers, an important step in tackling the rampant electricity theft in Nigeria. Complex Distribution Network The electricity distribution system comprises of kilometers of power lines connecting the end users to the substation. Without the network being...
Why should SMBs deploy Software Defined Backup Solutions

Why should SMBs deploy Software Defined Backup Solutions

You might be thinking, shouldn’t the question be: Why should SMBs (Small to Medium-sized Businesses) deploy backup solutions at all? Well, we’re going with the assumption that you’ve already accepted that backup solutions; whether cloud based backups or on-premises backup appliances, are very important for SMBs. If you’re still dubious about the significance of data backup solutions for SMBs, then allow me to shed some brief light on the subject before venturing onto the main topic. Why should SMBs deploy backup solutions If you Google “data loss cost implications for SMBs”, you’ll find a ton of statistics how costly they can be....
playstation now

PlayStation Now Streaming Game Service

Sony has finally announced the service that will enable PlayStation 4 users play PS3 games on their PS4 console. The new streaming games service called PlayStation Now (a.k.a PS Now) will enable users stream games from their PS3 library via Sony's cloud technology on their PS4, PS3, PS Vita as well as US models 2014 Sony Bravia TVs. PlayStation Now will eventually expand to other internet connected devices allowing game play across multiple devices. PlayStation Now enables you stream games similar to the way you stream movies. The games are stored in the cloud (Sony's Servers), so you can access them...
cloud storage 1

Cloud Storage – An Introduction

Storing digital files can sometimes be a pain. What do you do when your computer runs out of storage, your file gets corrupted, or you left your flash drive just before an office presentation? These are just typical problems in traditional storage. Cloud Storage, a new form of storage over the internet that's accessible everywhere, aims to answer these problems.   Store Once, Access Everywhere In a nutshell, cloud storage is about the internet. There are varied uses of the cloud both for personal and business use; and storage is one of them. Being a technology on the internet, cloud storage simply...
Cloud Storage - Cloud Computing

Benefits of Cloud Storage

In today's digital age, the need to save files is undeniable. It is now a common habit to keep important files, maybe for personal or business purposes. While traditional storage devices - such as hard disks, flash drives and memory cards - have been handy storage devices for year, a new technology called Cloud Storage now provides a better and seamless way to store files. If you are still not sure what good it will give you to move into the cloud, here are the reasons why: Ease of access Given that cloud storage is internet-based, accessing files is a smoother process....

Best Cloud Storage Services

With the emergence of tablets and smartphones, today, individuals and businesses alike no longer entirely rely on computers to store and access files. You may be using your computer in the office, your laptop at home, and your mobile device while on the road, making cloud storage a growing need. With the usage of multitude of devices, it's very unpractical to keep your files all in one physical storage. This is where cloud storage comes in as a very handy solution. Most cloud storage services are now making it easy for users to access files through all of these devices. However,...

Cloud Storage for Businesses

Millions of people use the internet everyday, and surely a good percentage of this internet populace are already using cloud storage (even some might not be aware that its cloud, they know the idea). If this is a need for any typical individual, storage is even a bigger necessity for businesses, with various files and documents being created by a number of employees everyday. This makes cloud storage a perfect tool for businesses. While over the years, there are hardware for businesses to store data, it is now becoming hard to manage due to the continuous increase in data and...

Comparison between Cloud Storage & Traditional Storage

Cloud storage has received attention in recent years as a new way to save files. When the idea came out, it was interesting how one can save files without a physical hardware. But as interesting as it is, doubts still exist in the mind of many - why should I give up my hard drives or at least support it with cloud storage? For people who are still unsure, here's a comparison of the uses and functions of the two: Means of access Since hard drives and flash drives are physical storage devices, of course, your storage has to be with you...

Dropbox Cloud Storage: An Overview

With the continuous demand for more storage, cloud storage is increasingly becoming an important option for a number of people due to its flexibility. That idea of uploading data once and being able to access and sync from multiple devices is gradually catching on. DropBox, a cloud storage company founded in 2007, is one of the leaders in this space. Dropbox boasts of more than 300 million users across consumers and small businesses. The Service For some who haven't tried such technology, the idea of cloud may still be vague. So, what exactly does DropBox offer to consumers? DropBox is your storage on...

Dropbox for Business – An Overview

Dropbox is one of the most used cloud storage service since this kind of internet-based storage technology became known to consumers. Its fame can be attributed to the "refer a friend feature" where a user can get free additional storage when a friend he refers eventually signs up for Dropbox. In no time, the cloud storage service has been well-known. Today, the service Dropbox offers is not only limited for consumers alone, businesses are not left-out. Businesses can also take advantage of such flexible storage service, and this too, is being provided by Dropbox. Cloud storage services are more beneficial...

Box Cloud Storage – An Overview

While cloud storage service provider Box is known for its focus on the business crowd, it has not in any way ignored the consumer market. So, if you are considering a personal cloud storage, Box is worth your time. Like most of the popular cloud storage today, Box offers three ways for users to access, store, and sync files: namely website, desktop app and mobile app. For starters, Box offers consumers 10 GB of free storage, a pretty competitive space offering compared to its competitor Dropbox’s 2 GB free storage. For people who need more storage, there are still ways to...

OneDrive Cloud Storage from Microsoft – An Overview

Today, the cloud storage arena is under tough competition with various cloud storage providers to choose from. Unlike many up and coming cloud storage providers, we’ve known and used Microsoft software for most of our lives. And of course, such a huge technology company would not let itself get left behind with trends like cloud storage. If you’ve heard of SkyDrive before, scrap that, Microsoft cloud storage service is now called OneDrive. If you are using Windows Phone, Windows 10 Mobile, Windows 10, Windows 8 or Windows 8.1, OneDrive Cloud Storage is already built-in with the operating systems. However, if...

OneDrive for Business – An Overview

Microsoft, the technology company we’ve long known, has always been busy providing consumers with various software and applications. Today, a lot of new technologies have emerged; and cloud storage is one of them. Of course, Microsoft is a major player in cloud storage with its OneDrive cloud service offering some great services for business wishing to move some or all of their data to the cloud. Cloud Storage for Business OneDrive (previously known as SkyDrive) is its take on cloud storage service. A service that started in 2007, apart from the branding, the cloud service has already evolved in terms of...
Google Drive

Google Drive Cloud Storage – An Overview

The search engine giant Google, of course, won’t get left behind with any technology-related trends. So, to tap the opportunities in cloud storage, the company launched its cloud storage service called Google Drive in 2012. Google Drive leverages Google's millions of Gmail with unparalleled integration. Users’ Google Drive login is practically the same as their email, and a logged in email account will give a quick access to Google Drive’s web app. Collaboration Google Drive’s edge is its integration with a Microsoft Office-like document format, which lets users create, edit and import and documents. It also lets a group of people collaborate...
Google Drive for Business

Google Drive for Business – An Overview

In terms of cloud storage offerings for consumers, the search engine giant’s Google Drive offers one of the most generous free space at 15 GB. This is one of the factors that entices users to the service. But, Google also provides cloud storage services to businesses called Google Drive for Work. About Google Drive A number of businesses are now beginning to appreciate the benefits of cloud storage. It provides easy access (through any device) and flexible storage expansions. Today, there are already a variety of options in terms of cloud storage for business. And for business administrators who are looking...