Latest Software Development Posts

Sound Design in Gaming

Level Up Your Game: The Importance of Sound Design in Gaming

Have you ever played a game where the sound effects felt bland or the music just didn't fit the mood? Sound design in games is an important element that often goes unnoticed but plays a significant role in enhancing the overall gaming experience. It involves creating and implementing audio elements such as music, sound effects, and voiceovers to create a more immersive and engaging environment for players. Let us explore the impact of sound design and its effect in video games. Immersive Gameplay One of the key benefits of sound design in games is its ability to create immersive gameplay. By providing realistic...

Exploring Codeless Automation Testing Tools: Revolutionizing Software Quality Assurance

In the rapidly evolving landscape of software development, ensuring high-quality products while meeting stringent deadlines is paramount. Automation testing has been a game-changer in this regard, significantly reducing the time and effort required for testing. However, traditional automation testing often necessitates a substantial amount of coding knowledge, creating a barrier for those without extensive programming experience. This is where codeless automation testing tools come into play, offering a revolutionary approach that democratizes testing and makes it accessible to a wider audience. This blog post delves into the concept of codeless automation testing tools, their benefits, leading solutions in the market, and...
6 Tips to Escape Technical Debt through Smart and Agile Methodology

6 Tips to Escape Technical Debt through Smart and Agile Methodology

Traditional software applications, focuses on the phase-oriented approach to develop software. That is because every product goes via the alpha, beta, as well as golden versions. Every product release starts with the inclusion of new features when a few lingering issues of the previous release are recognized and corrected. The cycle of development touches the alpha stage when individual features are applied using meticulous testing. When you fix the bugs, the beta stage begins and you even out the bugs through customer feedback. However, with each bug eliminated, new ones come into existence, forcing a situation of hit-a-mole. Until and unless...
Top 5 Programming Languages 2018

Top 6 Programming Languages in 2024 (and where to Learn them)

If you are a newcomer to the field of programming, one of the first (hardest) decision you most likely will have to make is picking the language you want to start with. Although you can learn multiple languages simultaneously, it is not advised, particularly for beginners. It is, however, very logical to have your feet planted deep in a particular language, master the basics of the language, carry out some cool projects or create some cool stuff using the language, then you can pick up some other language(s). Definitely, as you progress, it will only become easier to pick up...
Benefits of Hiring Remote Developers for your Project

Effective Recruitment Strategy for Tech Talent Acquisition

The shortage of skilled human resources has been a big problem for different industries, especially the software developer recruitment agencies and the companies. To bridge the tech talent shortage, many companies, as well as agencies, opt for the different ways of technical hiring, such as hiring dedicated developers through IT outstaffing from remote geographical locations. Let’s expand upon the tech talent gap in the industry, what challenges the industry faces while hiring tech talent and what are the ways to fill the requirements of tech jobs and associated technical skills in the software industry across the globe. Global Demand and Supply...
Product Design

5 Trends in Product Design

Contactless experience, design ethics, algorithmic design, and other trends for the next year. We understand non-visual trends that product designers should pay attention to. Many product design technologies are actively used on various online platforms. 1. Ethical Design, Personal Data, and Privacy Digital design is becoming a more mature profession. And more and more designers are asking questions of ethics. They discuss not using "dark" design tricks and reflect on user privacy. The relevance of the topic of user personal data is also growing. Do we — designers, and developers — need this data? Without this information, will we be able to...
Launch of Digital Explorers in Brussels-Pic of EU, Nigerian and Kenyan Partners

Unlock Your Future in Tech: Digital Explorers II – Applications Now...

The anticipation is over! Applications are now officially open for the highly anticipated second phase of the esteemed EU Talent exchange program, Digital Explorers. Geared towards sourcing, nurturing, and placing a diverse array of tech talent, this phase specifically targets Junior Data Analysts, DevOps, Front End, and Back End Developers. The program aims to seamlessly match these talents with partner employers in the dynamic landscapes of Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Nigeria. Prospective applicants have until January 15th, 2024, to submit their applications. Bolstered by the backing of the European Commission, Digital Explorers stands as an innovative ICT-focused knowledge and talent exchange...
Hiring an App Development Company

10 Must Ask Questions Before Hiring an App Development Company

Working on your next big project and considering hiring an app development company? This is the right place to be. We will share a number of crucial questions you need to ask to ensure you get a an app development company that will deliver on time and on budget. If you have a business, then a mobile app is something you need to have these days to compete in the market. With the sudden shift in the trend and everything now becoming digital, we are living in times of smartphones and smartphone apps. They are a great business and publicity tool...

What Are The Qualities Of A Good Software Developer?

Software development has been a lucrative venture of late and this has made software developers be scarce. Most of the software developers found today are average software developers. The great developers in the world don’t just focus on writing solid code but also have significant imperceptible qualities. Many people think that software developers lack social abilities and are in-house people but these people have their own qualities that are suitable in their field. If you love coding and you pay attention to detail, you can fit well in this field, however, you also need to have other skills and personality...
Citizen Developers

The Role of Citizen Developers in Low-Code App Creation

In the ever-evolving application development landscape, the demand for rapid, flexible, and accessible solutions has never been higher. Low-code application development platforms have become a game-changing approach to meet these demands. A significant aspect of low-code platforms is the role of citizen developers, who play a vital part in creating applications with minimal coding. In this blog, we will delve into the role of citizen developers in low-code app creation and why they are becoming increasingly essential in today's fast-paced digital world. Understanding Low-Code Application Development Platforms Low-code application development platforms are a new generation of software tools that enable the creation of...
Don’t Underestimate What Data Science Can Do For Your Marketing

Don’t Underestimate What Data Science Can Do For Your Marketing

Don’t Underestimate What Data Science Can Do For Your Marketing It’s an art. It’s a science. No, it’s data science.   Fuse the disciplines of computer science, mathematics, and business and you get data science. Data science allows Walmart executives to discover special trends no one would have ever predicted, reveals to you what you should watch next on Netflix, and customizes product resources for Target customers. Use it as a powerful method to uncover elements for what drives people to download or uninstall an app. This leads us to mobile marketing and how it can help you. With data science, you...

Practical Tips for Cost-Effective Testing by Maximizing Quality Assurance Budgets

In today's highly competitive business landscape, organizations are increasingly relying on quality assurance (QA) to maintain their competitive edge and deliver exceptional products and services. However, with limited budgets and tight deadlines, it becomes imperative for companies to maximize their QA budgets while ensuring comprehensive testing. In this article, we will explore some practical tips to help organizations maximize their QA budgets and achieve cost-effective testing. Most Effective Ways To Maximize QA Budgets Prioritize Testing Efforts: One of the key aspects of maximizing QA budgets is to prioritize testing efforts based on the criticality of the system or application under test. By...
Outsourcing Software Development

Top 5 Outsourcing Software Development Trends to Shape 2023

If you’re planning on creating your own business or want to expand your current one, chances are you’ve already considered outsourcing. Outsourcing is a great way to lower your business costs, boost productivity and performance, get more staffing flexibility, and much more. It’s a rare business that hasn’t tapped into the power of technology today. Almost every entrepreneurial venture requires dedicated applications, websites, servers, and services of experienced IT professionals to operate and develop properly. But not all businesses can have the luxury of having an in-house IT department that can address all tech-related issues in a timely fashion. That’s where...
Tips to Choose the Best Mobile App Development Company

Tips to Choose the Best Mobile App Development Company

Thinking of developing a mobile app? Do you think it can be useful to people? Do you think it can solve people’s problems? If your answer is yes to all the questions then you are good to implement your idea, but wait; are you an expert in mobile app development? If not then you should find a mobile app development company, a company that will commit itself to make your idea to be a helpful tool. Deciding to build a mobile app for your business is one thing and choosing who to do the work is also another thing which must...
How to Design a Database for High-Performance Apps

How to Design a Database for High-Performance Apps? 10 Leading Practices

What makes an application high-performing? UI and UX are key elements so are the server, bandwidth, and overall programming. But, one aspect has a significant impact on the performance of any application: the database design. A good database design helps businesses store and retrieve accurate data. It’s also helpful to maintain data accuracy, consistency, and reliability and enable applications to be scalable and capable of performing during high workloads. Database architects, when designing a database, always have aspects such as speed, consistency, and update efficiency in mind. But, what considerations should you identify when building a database? What are relational database...
Hire Remote Developers

How to Identify Skilled and Experienced Remote Developers

In the current rapidly evolving job market, remote work has gained substantial traction, especially in the technology sector. The adoption of this adaptable method of work has resulted in a high demand for proficient and knowledgeable remote developers, especially from an offshore software company. Nonetheless, finding suitable candidates who can meet your organization's specific needs can be an intimidating challenge. But you need not worry! When you know how to identify skilled remote developers and are clear with your development requirements you can get to work with the best remote developers for hire, and get the best solutions for your...
Mirsoft Team

Mirsoft LLC – Mobile/Digital Revolution in the Nigerian Business Environment

A Tech company recently has entered the business environment in Nigeria with the aim of expanding the frontiers of the ongoing mobile/digital revolution in the Nigerian business milieu. Mirsoft LLC. have identified ways in which their businesses intersect, and have decided to work in their bid to furnish every Nigerian business with a vibrant digital existence. Mirsoft LLC, is a concern that specializes in building top-notch web-based mobile applications. Unlike many other mobile app developers who make mobile apps using the adaptive approach, developers at Mirsoft LLC build all products from the scratch, offering the richest, most engaging user experience with high...
TestPro SDET

TestPro’s Recipe for SDET Success

Diversity creates opportunity. This is true of every aspect of life, but is especially relevant to career pathways. If you have a background in the basics of computer programming and a desire to delve deeper into software engineering, exciting and rewarding job prospects await, For those selecting a path into software development and considering a role as either a developer or QA automation tester, why not choose a career that embraces both. A software development in test (SDET) role, combines programming and testing skills and activities into a multihyphenate job description that opens up access to more employment opportunities, higher...
Best UI / UX Design Tools

11 Best UI/UX Design Tools in 2023 (Complete Guide)

Every UI/ UX designer needs an intuitive workspace to help streamline workflow during the product development cycle. Be it brainstorming, defining (wireframes), testing (prototypes), or launch stage. The obvious truth is that a technically burdensome software can shut off creativity and below-par software means you have to transfer your files to another software for editing hopefully. This is why we've vetted the best UI/UX design tools in the market for you. And we got reliable data from customer reviews, weighed up the pros and cons, and even tried some out ourselves. So that you can do what you know best, Create! Quick Run-down Adobe XD ...
ai replace human programmers

Several Compelling Reasons Why AI Will Not Replace Human Programmers

“Will AI replace programmers?” This is a hot topic of the last decade. There are automated platforms for code generation trained on bases from such public repositories as GitHub (Open AI Codex, Code T5, Polycoder). Smart algorithms have already reached an extremely high level: they can assess the quality and uniqueness of code and check it for errors. More and more often, clients are asking software development companies to “create AI to generate sites.” How realistic is this? Let’s figure out if the Skynet era is approaching. The reasons why AI in Programming has attracted Public attention In 2012, the outsourcing...
Mobile Apps

What can be Expected from Mobile Apps in 2023?

We can all agree that the smartphone is the one invention that we just can’t live without. In fact, Statista reports shipment of more than 1.4 billion smartphones to end users in 2021 alone. Industry experts also project that by the year 2024, over 56% of the world’s population will own a smartphone with over 7.6 billion smartphone users expected by 2027. The growing dependency on smartphones have also increased opportunities to develop mobile apps for various industries and niches. Whether it is an internet browser, the latest game or productivity software – mobile apps are the lifeblood of smartphones....
A Digestible Guide to Mobile App Design

A Digestible Guide to Mobile App Design

For some, if not all, the concept of developing a mobile app is about writing complex codes, struggling with bugs, and integrating the cutting-edge technologies and tool. However, it is not so. Mobile app development comprises of different phases and technique, starting from mobile app design. Wondering what falls under the mobile app design category? Let’s have a descriptive look at Mobile app design process and what a mobile app development company should consider. Mobile App Design: Different Phases and All You Need to Know 1. Setting the Scope The initial phase of app design, just like that of mobile app development, is...
Interesting Careers to Explore in Big Data

8 Interesting Careers to Explore in Big Data

Big data is an unavoidable aspect of business on a global scale. Numerous companies and organizations have decided to devote time to big data research. With an increase in demand for big data experts, a myriad of new careers has arisen. Within them, there is space for many different professions that will only get more sought after. Why is this the case? Well, 63% of all companies have reported failing in big data implementations due to a lack of clarity. If you pick one of these 8 careers, you can easily take up a spot in a reputable company as a...
start learning Computer Programming

How to Start Learning Computer Programming

Many of us are keen on learning computer programming languages for our own reasons. If you think learning this language is an uphill task, then you may be wrong. With different tutorials, courses, and books available online, learning a computer language is no more a big deal. The only thing is that you have to be diligent and patient with your learning process and then you are all set up to master the language. 1. Find out why you want to Learn Coding: Once you answer this question, it will help you understand the right direction and the number of hours you...
Software Developer

Top Frontend Developer Interview Questions

Particularly for those new to web development, front-end development is recognised as one of the most successful specialties. Many beginners view front-end programming as a good method to begin a career in full-stack development due to the fact that it primarily requires fundamental abilities like HTML, CSS, JavaScript, and some server knowledge. However, frontend development is a broad field that includes a variety of approaches and equipment. As a result, the kind of questions used in interviews for front-end developer positions vary and cover a range of topics. You shouldn't worry if you're looking for a job as a front-end programmer...
Become a Software Engineer

20 Tips to Become a Better Software Engineer

Software engineering is a constantly changing profession. Software engineering is an ever-changing field. One should be ready to adapt as new technologies become available. Due to its changing nature, there are many entry points to the IT profession. There is no one way to do this. You need to take these steps to become a professional software engineer. 1. Choose a suitable Language There are many programming languages out there. The critical thing to remember is to take your time. It can be challenging to find the correct programming language for your project. Take one step at a time, then move on...
Python is becoming the most popular language

Getting started with unit testing with Python

Testing the code is essential. Tests are created to verify that a single component of code, usually modularized as a function, is actually giving the expected output. It is checked, to ensure that it performs as designed. There are many different types of automated testing and unit testing is one of them. This is the first level of testing an application where the smallest testable parts called units of an application get tested in complete isolation to check that there is no error. This testing validates that each unit of the application performs as intended and if any error is...
Software Development Tools

Best Software Development Tools of 2022

Wondering what are some of the best software development tools of 2022 available out there? If your answer is yes then I am here to help you out. Software development is a tiring job. But luckily there are quite a lot of tools are available out there which makes our job easy. But as the number of tools is quite a lot. Hence choosing one of the best one among them can be a challenging task. However, to make it easy for you I am going to mention the Best Software Development Tools Of 2022. So let’s just head into the...
Salesforce DX Approach to Development and Why it is Ideal for Small Businesses?

Salesforce DX Approach to Development and Why it is Ideal for...

There are a lot of reviews out there about the latest package of Salesforce DX, focusing on its advantages and disadvantages. Majority of the discussions center around the source-drive approach of Salesforce DX and the concept of Scratch orgs. As we know by now, Scratch orgs contains codes or metadata that can be built, changed, or destroyed easily to speed up the development and deployment process through continuous integration. Let’s also start with some of the major advantages of Salesforce DX. Source-driven Approach You can expect the best out of Salesforce DX by collaborating the latest technologies as version control of all the...

Why Should You Take Up DASSM Certification?

Disciplined Agile Senior Scrum Master (DASSM) is a comprehensive service management framework that allows complete control over the offered services, the assets used, and their condition to ensure cost-efficiency. It provides an overview of all aspects of data centers, including network equipment, physical infrastructure, and Power & Cooling. This enables you to optimize your data center costs to ensure maximum efficiency and uptime. DASSM certification helps you fulfil the best service management practices for physical servers, storage, equipment rooms, mobile devices, and virtualization environments using DASSM's structured methodology. It ensures that all relevant areas such as Network Management, Storage Management,...
Automation Testing

Automation Testing: How to Build a Successful Strategy for Businesses

Software testing is critical for bringing reliable software to market quickly. Businesses employ various software testing techniques, including functional, regression, smoke, and non-functional testing. Precisely, as organizations increasingly embrace DevOps and agile approaches to expedite software delivery, the notion of mobile app test automation has risen to prominence in their pursuit of quicker and higher-quality releases. How is Automation Testing Defined? Automation testing is a sophisticated software testing that uses autonomous tools and frameworks to validate the program. Unlike manual software testing, software test automation requires little human participation, except for creating scripts, which are then executed automatically using automation tools. Automation...
Software Developer

How to Become a .NET Developer In 2021

The .Net technology has come a long way since it arrived in 2002. Today, it is still placed high in the overall ranking and continues to power global tech leaders. Such frontrunners as Intel, Siemens, and Microsoft have estimated the flexibility of .NET at its true worth. Therefore, .NET development has always been considered a career full of opportunities. Besides, the average .net developer salary traditionally stands at five figures, which further attests to its solid status quo. If you have been considering .NET development as your specialty, this post will point you in the right direction. What Is Net Development? NET is...

7 Important Business Metrics for Saas Companies Growth

How well is your SaaS business doing? Do you have any information on how long you may last? Do you have a long-term business plan and if yes, is it based on any specific data? Software-as-a-service is a trending industry. So, it may seem stable for now. Unfortunately, nothing lasts forever. The more popular SaaS gets, the bigger the problem for you. Soon enough, your SaaS product will be only one in a million. New competitors will start approaching your customers, and your leads will have more options to choose from. If you plan to survive this inevitable challenge, you should start...
Outsourcing Software Development

The Benefits of Outsourcing Software Development

Software outsourcing has been gaining attention in business scenario of entire world. This practice, also known as outsourcing, is a common solution to solve the problem of overworked IT teams, allowing faster and quality responses to customers. Many companies still have doubts about outsourcing or developing the software internally, to help in understanding, we will highlight some of the several benefits that software development outsourcing can provide for the organization. Check out: Excellent Cost-Benefit Ratio Outsourcing can be a more advantageous way to develop the software with the highest possible quality. Regardless of the size of the business, hiring IT specialists for the...
The Financial Considerations of Pursuing a Career in Tech

The Financial Considerations of Pursuing a Tech Career

The global tech market is projected to grow 3% in 2020 and 2021, reaching a total $3 trillion economy by the end of the calendar year. New innovations and market growth means that high-earning employment opportunities are arising within the tech sector, including jobs specializing in cybersecurity, digital marketing and other cutting-edge professions. Fortunately, Nigeria benefits from a recent market surge in tech start-ups across the country, leading to a wide range of lucrative career options for young Nigerians with a knack for technology.   A Lucrative Workplace Recent labor data indicates that tech is one of the top-earning industries in Nigeria, especially those...

Why Python is Chosen Over others for AI and Machine Learning?

Python is a powerful object-oriented language whose syntax is very easy in comparison to other languages. There are various GUIs, which can be used to make programs through Python language; also developers use it for creating web as well as desktop applications. Another useful feature of the language is the code, which is short in comparison to other languages. Due to such reason, the language has gained popularity. Python is increasing in popularity these days due to its features like learning and utilization which is easy, holds large standard libraries, expressive language, cross-platform and most importantly it is an open...
PHP Web Development

Top 9 Benefits of Using PHP in Web Development Project

It will be right to say that the Web is taking over the world. From leisure to business, everything is now accessible through the Web in form of websites and web apps. Times have changed and we have now moved to dynamic websites. So, what made this all easier? PHP Web Development did it! PHP is an open source, object-oriented language server-side language which has been used time and again for creating dynamic web pages. The language offers a plethora of benefits that have made popular online businesses such as Facebook, Flickr, Yahoo, Wikipedia, etc. achieve the authority or influence...
6 Best Android Emulators for PC 2018

6 Best Android Emulators for PC

With lots of new applications coming up in the Android Marketplace the use of Android emulators is increasing. The emulator allows you to run an application on a PC to test its performance and user interface. The emulator has been helping the developer to build more reliable and better Android apps. The fierce competition among the developers to Build more reliable fast and user-friendly applications for Android devices is whats helping emulators become as popular as they are today. Another significant advantage of an emulator is the fact that they can help in identifying any bugs and errors that can harm...
Best Gaming Phones

7 Things you Must Know Before Developing Gaming App

Life is about relevance. Just as features such mix and match woocommerce makes your ecommerce website more useful. Just as wordpress gdpr plugin gives your website an extra edge and added advantage. It is in this same manner that your game should satisfy the needs of the people playing it. A game may seem simple but believe me, there is nothing simple about that game. Beyond that simplicity is a complex framework ensuring that you enjoy that game. So before you delve into game development and design, take some time out to read these seven things you must know before developing...
Python is becoming the most popular language

6 Reasons why Python is Becoming the most Popular Language

History: Python has been around for more than 28 years. It’s an interpreted, high-level, general-purpose programming language. Even though it is one of the oldest programming languages, It hasn’t been particularly popular amongst the developer communities until recently. Why wasn’t it popular? The singular factor behind its “Non Popularity” has been its speed. Ask any student/beginner to choose between Python and ‘Java or C’, nine out of ten students will choose the later due to the speed factor & their theoretical knowledge. The difference in speed is because Python is interpreted and Java is compiled. (For those who want to know more, here’s a resource.) However,...
Custom Software Solutions

Why you need Custom Software Solutions for your Business

The Naija hustle is famous in the world of business. Nigerians know how to make things happen. A strong work ethic and a knack for entrepreneurship can only take things so far. At a certain point, even the savviest business person needs to seek the assistance of custom software solutions if he wants to move his business to the next level of success. Even if you have the required experience to do the job yourself, there is a good chance you do not have the time with all the other critical daily tasks you have to complete. Sometimes the best...
Learn web development online

Web, App, and Software Development from ImperialSoft

Imperial Soft Services, “ImperialSoft”, is a technology company with focus on software development for large, medium and small scale businesses. They specialize in development of custom applications. Equipped with the best minds and tech stacks,  the company is trying to accomplish a business goal - Bring your software conceptualization to reality. For instance, Imperial Software Services’ advisory services include defining and prioritizing goals, establishing measurable success criteria and advising on how software can address the need at hand. Imperial soft services will not only assist with a clear roadmap but will also actually advise you on how to get there. They have shown understanding of...

Top Advantages of Learning Python Language

Today in this fast-changing pace, technology has also seen a lot of changes. Now people have started using a machine to solve complex numerical problems. With the evolution of Machine Learning and Artificial Intelligence, we now have systems that can work on simple voice commands. Take, for example, our Google search engine responds to inquiries made verbally.  We now have research on self-driven cars, which can take input from their sensor and voice commands and drive you to desired destinations. With these large developments seen every day in technology, the use of Python language has also been on the rise. As...
Java vs Kotlin

Java VS Kotlin – What’s your pick for Android App Development

Mobile phones are an essential part of our life. We use these devices for different purposes such as paying bills, shopping, finding locations via the map, gaming, watching movies and many others. Millions of people across the world have a smartphone in their hands, and this is rapidly increasing. Above mentioned, all purposes are fulfilled with the help of mobile apps. Mobile apps are a channel between the users and mobile devices that allows them to perform different tasks of their need. Apps are one of the best ways to market your product and services. Thousands of new apps are...
Big Challenges Facing DevOps in 2019​

Big Challenges Facing DevOps

In the world of software and app development, making a product that is reliable in a timely manner is the key to success. Often times, business owners get so wrapped up in meeting deadlines that they forget to assess the overall functionality of their new product. Rather than putting out a subpar app or software program, you need to find a better way to manage these types of projects. One of the best ways to make the app and software development process more successful is by embracing the power of DevOps. In essence, DevOps is a philosophy that combines a...
Angular – How to Build A CRUD Application

Angular – How to Build A CRUD Application

Right from its launch, Angular JS has ruled the world of open-source application development. As a highly advanced feature-rich and client-side framework, Angular is adopted and used widely by web development firms and individual developers all over the world. Angular web development is a very in demand venture these days. Building a CRUD App with Angular When it comes to building a Crud app with Angular, there are essentials that an Angular web developer practices. The first thing to do is to deal with a mountain of data. This data then that lives on the server is dealt with using HTTP...

How to use AngularJS for Mobile App Development

Today, we have many programming languages used in the mobile app development landscape, but the challenge is to choose one that resonates with our requirements completely. According to recent reports, AngularJS has taken complete control over mobile app development. AngularJS made its presence in the market in the year 2009 and the reason for its popularity among developers is that the framework is easy to work with and simplifies the web app development process. What is AngularJS? AngularJS is an open-source JavaScript framework introduced and maintained by Google to address the challenges faced by the developers while developing and testing the code. AngularJS...
Enterprise Development

Why Is Enterprise Development So Important for Small Businesses

Different organizations understand how small businesses are some of the most important contributors for a healthy economy. We all know that small businesses are responsible for boosting productivity and are also responsible for innovative changes and actions of creativity as well. Not just that but they also play a great role in making sure that the creation of employment opportunities for the people is at its best. With the rise of unemployment, it is really important for the enterprises to have proper development opportunities. Benefits of Enterprise Development Here are some of the reasons why enterprise development is one of the most important...
Android Coding

6 Great Tips to Improve Your Android Development Skills

Developing Android apps is a very rewarding job. Seeing how your creations are used and appreciated by thousands of Android users definitely will be an amazing experience. Unfortunately, the road to becoming top Android developers is far from easy. There are millions of apps out there so it will be very hard to have your apps noticed by the users. If you are serious about building your career as a respected Android developer, here are some tips that can help you build your Android development skills. Keep Up with the Trends but Think Out of the Box As an apps developer, you...
Real Devices Vs Emualtors

Real Devices vs Emulators/Simulators

Mobile testing is one of the main focuses for app developers. With more devices running new systems being released every year it is essential to test an app/game on all of them. These tests will display how an app runs on a device and if it renders incorrectly, it will need to be sent back to the coding room. Although, it's not as prehistoric as having hundreds of devices at the ready. Today we use one tool one for testing our software/apps/games. There are a few different types of tools we can use to cross-device test, emulators, simulators and then the...
The Best Programmer's Setup

The Best Programmer’s Setup

If you happen to be one of such programmers who needs a perfect programming setup to start coding and concentrate in a better way. Then you better stick with this page. Programming is a hectic job, and there is no doubt in it. And but a great programming setup helps in a lot of ways. So in case if you are wondering what the Best Programmer's Setup is, then I am here to tell you about some of the equipment that you must add to your programming setup. So let’s just head into the topic without wasting much of the time: The...