Managed WordPress Hosting

Making Money Online

Hire Freelancers, Manage Freelancers, and Pay Freelancers

How to Hire, Manage and Pay Freelancers Online

Do you want to hire freelancers or pay freelancers? Freelancing websites offer great platforms for hiring, managing, and paying Freelancers. Online work marketplace provides a global pool of skilled freelancers for various sizes of businesses. They offer a cost effective and flexible staffing solution for businesses. Online work marketplace offers a scalable solution for crowd sourcing talent for teams, easily scaling up or down depending on the staffing requirement of your projects. If you are looking for a cost effective solution for building teams for your project, you should checkout any of the top online work sites. Some of the top marketplace...
Make Money

6 Reason Why Many Nigerians Fail To Make Money Online

If you have ever tried to make money online and you did not succeed or you want to know why people find it hard to make it online, then this article is for you. In my last 4 years online I have made some discoveries from the different failures and successes that I have experienced. Some of my discoveries will be revealed in this article. Here are the reasons many people fail online: 1. A Wrong Mindset This is a very big one. Many Nigerians have a very warped idea about online business. For example, a lot of people have no idea about value...

How to Make Friends on the Internet

The Internet offers many avenues and possibilities to the average person. If a person wishes to shop or research a subject, websites exist to cater to the specific desire. Some people go online because they wish to make friends. Making friends does not have to be formidable. In this article, we share a few ideas about how to make friends from around the world on the internet. Find Relevant Communities If a person wishes to find a suitable friend, it is an excellent idea to find relevant communities. A person has many choices when it comes to the act of socializing....

Can Facebook Compete With Google Adsense?

Up until now, Facebook’s monetization efforts have focused solely on its social network platform. Revenue from – largely based on ads – were approximately 3 billion during the 2011 fiscal year. However, Facebook inevitably will need to expand its reach beyond if its ever going to live up to the financial promise of its record setting IPO. The online ad market is a massive multi-billion dollar market dominated by one brand – Google Adsense. In the 4th quarter of 2011 alone, Google’s Adsense product generated 2.8 billion dollars in revenue for the internet search giant. While the strength...
Website is Crucial for Business

Why is a Website is Crucial for your Business – Going...

A website is a crucial part of going online for businesses. In fact, for some businesses having a website is what it means to be online. A website allows a business to promote its products and services to the increasing number of consumers online. A website is a good way to grow your business beyond its brick and mortar location. So, if you do not have a business website already, you should seriously be considering building one. Here, we discuss why having a website will be of great benefit to your business. Your Customers are already Online History has shown several times that...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

Free Online Classified Ads Sites Series

Online classified Ads are important advertising solutions for micro, small, and medium scale businesses. This is because they are a free advertising solution for businesses with a huge user base of people looking for cheap local deals online. We have written a series of interesting articles on free online classified ads. This page is an anchor page for all the classified Ads resources. Classified Ads Series Post and Find Classified Ads on Mobile phone via SMS 3 Ways to Search Classified Ads Sites 9 tips for Posting great Classified Ads Online How to Post Free Classified Ads Post Free Classified...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

Google Trader: Post and Find SMS Classified Ads on Phone

Google Trader is a classified site offered by Google in Nigeria, Ghana, Kenya, and Uganda. Google Trader, like other classified Ads sites, enables users to buy or sell products and services online. However, the uniqueness of Google Traders is that users can find and post classified Ads using SMS on their mobile phone. Currently Google Trader SMS service is available on MTN and Airtel in Nigeria. This post is part of a free classified Ads series. How to post Ads with SMS To post classified Ads on Google Trader via SMS, you must register for Google Trader on your mobile phone. To...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

3 Ways to Find Classified Ads Online for Cheap Deals

Are you looking for cheap local deals for a product or service? Classified Ads are a good option. You can simply search for local deals online at classified ads sites. However, because online classifieds are free they attract lots of ads, making it hard for you to find what you are looking for. In this post, I will show you 3 ways of finding the product or service you are looking for. This post is part of a free classified Ads series. 1. Use the Category Links Classified Ads are all about classification. This means that each classified Ad is added to...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

9 Tips for Posting great Classified Ads Online

Classified Ads are cheap advertising solutions for promoting a product or service. They are very attractive to small businesses and with free classified ads posting now available online, even individuals are now selling directly through classified Ads. This leads to thousands of Ads daily all competing against each other, meaning that each advertiser needs to do more to get noticed. Here are 9 tips to help you post classified Ads that will get noticed by web user as well as bring search engine visitors to your Ad. This post is part of a free classified Ads series. 1. Write an Inviting...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

How to Post Ads on Classified Ads Sites

Classified Ads sites enable individuals and businesses to post free ads online. They offer a cheap advertising solution for micro, small, and medium scale businesses, enabling them promote their businesses online with their slim budgets. However, to get good result, you need to know how to post a classified Ad on online Classifieds. This post is part of a free classified Ads series. Classified Ads sites make it easy for buyers to find sellers. Sellers get a cost effective advertising solution, while buyers get easy access to cheap local deals. Guidelines for Posting Classifieds When advertising on Classified Ads sites you need to...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

Classifieds: How to Post Free Classified Ads Online

Classifieds are adverts that are displayed in categories (i.e are classified into groups). The groups may have headings such as Jobs, For Sale, For Rent, Automobile, Services, etc. Each Ad in classifieds is placed under a heading that best describes the product or service that is being advertised. Classified Ads used to be printed only in newspapers and magazines, but with the advent of the internet, free classified Ads sites are now available online. This post is part of a free classified Ads series. One of the major attractions of classified Ads is that they offer cheap advertising to micro, small...
Time Management

5 Simple Time Management Tips for Busy Freelancers

Many freelancers have problem managing their time effectively. Most times it seems like the 24 hours in a day is not enough to get things done, as there are always pending projects and tasks to complete. To settle this, many freelancers have adopted the culture of working till midnight to cater for the insufficient time. While I can’t boldly say if 24 hours is enough or not, I can at least say, 24 hours is enough to get things done and continue the following day. And unlike several other things in this world, I think time is one of the...
Paypal online

How to Earn Money through PayPal Online

Online surveys are the best way to earn when it comes to earning online. There are many means by which these online survey websites pay the user but getting paid through PayPal is considered to be the fastest and safest method. So, here we compiled a list of websites that offer online surveys that pay through PayPal to make it easier for you to get started as soon as possible. They are the best websites in the industry that offer PayPal payment after completing surveys. Swagbucks: A list of the paid survey without Swagbucks included in it is incomplete. Swagbucks is the...
Low Investment Business Ideas

10 Low Investment Business Ideas for 2024

There is a huge strength of young and energetic people in emerging economies like Nigeria and India. They are the entrepreneurs of the future. Today’s youth want to grow in life and become independent but most don’t want to go for jobs that give them a hectic life. Therefore, they are always in search of business ideas with low investment. But before starting a new venture or startup, it is necessary for you to do a proper market research. You should be passionate and must have all the business tactics to compete with your respective competitors in the market. Best Business Ideas...
Work from Anywhere

Our Work-from-Anywhere Future

It's no secret that the pandemic has changed the way we work. With so many people now working remotely, we have started to see a future where people can work from anywhere they want. This is known as the work-from-anywhere future. There are many benefits to this future for both companies and individuals. This is the beginning of a new era in which work is no longer tied to a physical location. The future of work is now work-from-anywhere. Work-from-anywhere means workers can work from anywhere that has an internet connection. Personal technology and digital connectivity have advanced to the point...
Classified Ads - Classifieds

OList – Buy and Sell Online

OList was an online platform where buyers can meet sellers. It is an marketplace that allows sellers to upload information about products or services they want to put-up for sale for interested buyers to connect with them. It is more or less like a classified Ads website. This article will be useful to those interested in making money by disposing items, those interested in buying and those interested in selling items online. OList was launched by Opera the owners of OPay and enables users to deal in variety of different goods and services be it old or new. It included categories like...
Write your own dropshipping success stories

Write your own Dropshipping Success Stories

I won’t be wrong if I say that almost everyone wants to have an amazing success story to tell. Dropshipping is one endeavor that produces such success stories regularly. Indeed, who has never had a desire to be famous, successful and rich? That’s a part of human nature. Acting according to the widespread opinion that hard work is a synonym of productivity and success, most people spend all their time and energy in the office trying to get to the top. However, it turns out to be difficult to live out your dreams going this way. Hard-work is not necessarily a...
Domain Name Registration

How to Register a Free Domain Name

Getting a domain name free is quite easy. Most web hosting companies offer a free domain name when you buy a web hosting package. So, you need not pay for a domain name when you are buying web hosting as the web hosting service will offer you one. While getting a domain name free might seem like a good deal, there is a downside, which makes me recommend that you buy your domain name separately. The Downside The downside of taking a free domain name with your web hosting is that the domain name remains free as long as you maintain the...
Costly Mistakes Beginner Bloggers should Avoid

5 Costly Mistakes Beginner Bloggers should Avoid

If you want to succeed in anything you want to do, one of the best ways to start is having a mentor, and blogging is not an exception. Learning from those already blogging can save you time and resources, because you will learn from the mistakes they made and how you can avoid making the same mistakes. In this post, you will learn about 5 costly mistakes beginner bloggers should avoid. Whether you have started your blog but don't know if you are on the right track or want to start one, you should read and know what to avoid if you...
How to Start a Blog and Make Money

How to Start a Blog and Make Money

Blogging is a very popular topic these days, because it makes it easy for ordinary people to share their thoughts online. Here, I will guide you on how to start a blog and make money from it. Blogging is also a great way to build a business. In fact, a couple of businesses started as a blog first. Some experts even recommend that you start a blog first, use it to build your reputation and then launch your business. Now, let's learn all about how to start a blog. Why Start a Blog A blog is a great marketing tool for businesses, but...
Learn Forex Trading OctaFX

Making New Kings of Mastery

Let’s be honest, we do not adore those African traditional movies anymore. The ones where coronation ceremonies are held; where the king will be forced to drink one or two concoctions, perform some ritual rites and then finally sit on his throne and have people sing great songs to him. While some of us have stopped consuming that form of Nollywood entertainment, we forget that we live it everyday. We want to become kings and masters at our workplaces, or in businesses we manage, we want to have those skills that make us “boss”. So, we perform the rites needed...
Freelancing: A Potential Solution for Unemployment?

Online Work Marketplace Series

The Online work marketplace series featured a series of articles about opportunities available at online work markets for both freelancers and employers. With the increase in popularity and accessibility of the internet, online work marketplace is gaining in popularity. More people are expected to work online in future as technology continues to improve. This page links to all articles in the online work marketplace series. For online work opportunities, Visit Fiverr. Need more info about Online Work Opportunities? Ask any question about online work at our Internet Opportunities forum or share your insight and knowledge. You can also connect with us on Social Media,...
Design a Website

How to Design a Website for your Business

Having seen good reasons why you need to build a website for your business, you may be wondering how it is done. There are different ways you could design a website for your business. One way is to employ a web designer to build your website for you. You can also design a website yourself using online tools like Wix that provide you with easy point and click solutions to web design. If you like getting your hands dirty, you can even design your website from scratch using web design technologies like HTML, JavaScript, and CSS or using a website template. In...
Facebook Advertising

Facebook Advertising for your Business

Facebook offers a service that enable businesses and advertisers target its huge user base. Facebook advertising enable businesses build their reputation on the social network by advertising their Facebook business brand pages or advertising their product and services. In this article, we go through the basics of Facebook advertising. The Beauty of Facebook Advertising The beauty of Facebook advertising is that it provides you with tools that enable you target the right kind of audience for your Ads. Facebook has lots of information about its users, and as a Facebook advertiser, marketer, or a business advertising on Facebook, you can access...
Facebook Ads

Facebook Ads: CPM, CPC, Sponsored Stories, and Display Ads

Facebook Ads is a must for most businesses. With over 2.8 billion monthly active users, Facebook represents a veritable goldmine for advertisers, but finding your footing might seem daunting. Facebook supports both cost per click (CPC) and cost per thousand impression (CPM) ads. You can advertise on Facebook using normal display Facebook advertising or using a type of Facebook ads displayed on Newsfeeds called Sponsored Stories. In this article, we will be looking at Facebook ads. Facebook Display Ads Facebook display ads appear in the right side bar. These were the first types of ads available on Facebook. With this type of...
Recover Deleted Emails in Outlook

How to Recover Deleted Emails in Outlook

Many Outlook users at times ask the question whether it is possible to recover emails that are deleted from their Outlook mailbox or not? Well, the answer is yes. You can recover all your deleted emails, whether you have lost them due to emptying the ‘Deleted Items’ folder of your Outlook, or hard deleted them from any Outlook mailbox folder! In this article, we discuss how to recover deleted email in Outlook. For Exchange Outlook users, who want to recover deleted emails of the ‘Deleted Items’ folder of their Outlook mailbox is ‘Outlook Dumpster’. Outlook dumpster is a place where...
Facebook Marketing for Businesses

Facebook Marketing for Businesses

It is no longer news that Facebook is the leading social media site with over 2.95 billion active users. That means Facebook should be an important item in your going online strategy. If you own a business, you should have some kind of presence on Facebook or you could be missing out on the huge marketing opportunity that Facebook offers. In this article, I will be introducing you to Facebook Marketing for Businesses. Crafting a Winning Facebook Marketing Strategy After setting up your business page, the next step is to devise a marketing strategy aimed at increasing your page's visibility and...
Ad Spy Tools

Best Ad Spy Tools for Marketers in 2023

If you think that marketers have a pleasant job coming up with creative ads that will attract tons of consumers and drive sales, you may not be far from the truth, but you’re missing a key element of the digital marketer’s job description – hours and hours of going through numbers and all sorts of information. No business in the world has exclusive rights to the entire market. Every company has at least one competitor. Being successful means constantly paying attention to what competitors do. As marketers, we need to focus on their marketing efforts, take notes, and make sure...
How Does Copy Trading Work?

How Copy Trading System Work in South Africa

Some Forex traders spend hours monitoring the market. Others make a few trades during the week. Whatever your strategy, you may lack competence or time. Mastering Forex trading is not easy. Fortunately, there is a way to delegate decisions to a seasoned expert. But how does copy trading work in South Africa? How Does Copy Trading Work? Copy Trading is an innovative approach to online trading that allows individuals to automatically copy the trades and strategies of experienced traders. It is gaining in popularity because it takes the complexities out of the online trading process, making it more accessible to individuals...
FreshForex Fast Withdrawal

FreshForex Invites you to Become a Local Depositor and Start Earning...

Local depositor service was introduced in FreshForex in 2020 and has been quite successful ever since. Having traders in countries such as RSA, Nigeria, Botswana, Malaysia, Indonesia and many others, this type of cooperation has become more than just an ordinary payment method, but a type of partnership with various possibilities and career prospects. Who is a Local depositor? Why do clients prefer Local depositor service? How do Local depositors earn in FreshForex? What’s the advantage of being a Local depositor of FreshForex? Who can become a Local depositor? How to become a...
Make Money Blogging

How to Make Money Blogging

Blogs enable anyone with internet access to share their thoughts and opinions online. A blog (short for weblog) is an online journal that enables people to share their views online and interact with visitors via comments. This article share how to make money blogging. Blogging is the act of writing, promoting and maintaining a weblog. While there are many blogs with no financial interest, the so-called pure blogs, a number of bloggers are motivated to start blogging because of the possibility of making money. Blogging for money is a trend that is on the increase worldwide. Here we share a brief...
Top Tools for Freelancers

5 Top Tools for Freelancers in 2023

Whether you’re an ace developer, a management consultant, or a copywriter, if you’re freelancing, you need to keep your duck in orders and your processes organized. Getting ahead in an increasingly competitive gig economy environment is reliant on you providing the very best service possible to your clients. Luckily, there are a few handy tools to help you do just that. Here, we take a look at five of the top tools for freelancers in 2023. 1. Writing — Hemingway App Named after the famously terse writer, Ernest Hemingway, the Hemingway app promises to make your writing “bold and clear.” Even if you...
Responsive Web Design in 2018

Design a Website Get Web Design that will Grow your Business

Do you need a cost effective website? Do you want to improve the performance of your existing website? Do you need SEO services that increase traffic to your site and boost sales? Do you want to grow your business online, with a customer and sales focused website? If your answer is yes to any of these questions, then you are in the right place. Cheap Web Design | Affordable Web Design | Standard Web Design | Premium Web Design Nigeria Technology Guide now offers cost effective web design solutions for your online presence. We concentrate on providing you with a website...
Blogging for Students

How to Blog Build Reputation, Traffic, and Make Money

Do you want to make money on the internet sharing your knowledge and insight? Do you want to develop an online voice that will bring you recognition and fame? Are you ready to learn how? My new e-book Blogging for Students will teach you how to blog, build your reputation and traffic, and how to make money from your reputation and traffic. This e-book is no-longer available for sale. So, there is no point reading from here on. However, if you are still interested in blogging our article on how to start a blog can be very helpful. Climbing the mounting...
Web Publishing

How to Make Money Online Web Publishing Content in 2023

There are many ways ordinary people like you and I can make money online. One way that is increasingly becoming popular because of its effectiveness and low cost of entry is web publishing, i.e. publishing content on the internet. Everyday millions of people all over the world visit the internet in search of information. This crave for information has created an opportunity for web publishers to develop content tailored to satisfying this crave. The good news is that money can be made by sharing your ideas, experience, hobbies, skills, and so on online. You can either sell your content or leave...
Cost of Building a Website

Cost of Building and Designing a Website

Before building a website for your business, it is important to know the costs involved. This will ensure you budget adequately for the project. Some business owners think building a website is a one-off thing. You just build it and you go to sleep. However, there are fixed costs and recurrent costs involved in building a business website. So, here are a few items to add to your budget. However, it is important to note that the cost of building a website depends on the complexity of its implementation. For example, a simple 5-page business website will usually cost much...
Register .ng, Domain Name

Best Domain Name Registration in Nigeria, Pay in Naira

Aside Web Hosting, a website needs a domain name which is the address through which visitors find it on the internet. It is through this address that your visitors access your business website or blog on the internet. You can buy or register a domain name through a domain name registration service in Nigeria or you can buy from any international domain name registrar. One advantage of registering your domain with a Nigeria based domain registrar is that you can pay in Naira. Another is that you can register .ng domains like and .ng. When it comes to buying a...
Affiliate Marketing

What is Affiliate Marketing? (A Complete Guide)

For You have probably heard about making money online with Affiliate Marketing and wondering what it is all about and how you can tap into the opportunity. Well, having been doing affiliate marketing for over 10 years, I will be breaking it down here for your benefit. What follows is a complete guide to affiliate marketing and how you can make money from it. Let's Define Affiliate Marketing Affiliate Marketing is nothing new. It is simply referring people to buy a product or service in return for a commission from the product seller or service provider. Financial services companies like insurance companies, banks, and...
Update your Business Website Regularly

5 Benefits of a Business Website – Online Business

If you have not yet made-up your mind about a website for your business, this article attempts to show you how your business could benefit from a website. In this article you will find the importance of a website to a modern day business and why it should be core to your going online strategy. Also see 6 Reasons to Build a Website for your Business A website creates a dedicated space for your business on the internet from where you can coordinate your online campaigns. It also makes it easy to take advantage of opportunities online for growing your business....
Earn Money from Mobile App

How To Earn Money With An App

Over the past few years, we have seen substantial growth in the mobile market, smart phones have become an essential part of our day to day lives. Gone are the days, when making money from apps was questionable but is now considered to earn some bucks. As of now, every smart phone user is aware of several apps to explore and research on. A few of them may charge their customers while some may not. Although there is no rule book for an app to perform well in the market, cross-platform mobile development will fetch you more profits for app...
Make Money with Mobile App

5 Ways to Make Money With a Mobile App

Have an idea for a mobile app but need help figuring out where to start? You're in luck. Here are five ways to make money with a mobile app. Whether you're looking for venture capital or want to partner with a larger company, these tips will help you get started. So what are you waiting for? Get started on your next big project.  1. Make Your App Free To Download And Include Ads One way to make money with a mobile app is to make it free to download and include advertisements. This is an excellent option if you're looking to...
5 Reasons Why Fake Web Hosting Reviews Are The Plague of The Internet

Web Hosting Tips – Domain, Storage, Bandwidth Overviews

Web hosting simply means, making a website accessible on the internet by storing it in a server connected to the internet. Websites are stored in storage drives (SSD or HDD) resident in servers connected to the internet. Web hosting involves storing your website in a server connected to the internet, in order to make it available to any device connected to the internet. You can either host your website yourself or preferably pay a web hosting company to host your website. Here are important web hosting considerations Storage Space: Storage space is measured in megabyte (MB) or Gigabyte (GB), this is the amount...

Fiverr: No. 1 Freelancing Marketplace (An Introduction)

You have probably (or not) at one time or another heard the term Fiverr either randomly in a coffee shop, or as a topic of discussion amongst a group of people online or offline. So... What is Fiverr? Fiverr is one of the popular and pioneering freelance service marketplaces. Basically, Fiverr is a platform that serves as a middleman that helps connect employers who need to get certain tasks completed with individuals who have the know-how and talents to help them get the tasks done. Unlike e-commerce platforms where products are being sold and buyers are connected to sellers, Fiverr is a...
Make Money on Fiverr

10 Ways to Make Money on Fiverr

We are in an era where it has never been easier to make money online — particularly from doing what you love; either from a habitual talent or a learned skill. Freelancing has been a thing for a very long time, but thanks to Fiverr, the number 1 online freelancing marketplace, 9-to-5 is fast becoming a thing of the past. To see how other people are making money on Fiverr, Click Here. Fiverr, since its 2010 launch, has fast become the go-to platform for many businesses, companies, entrepreneurs, and individuals to outsource skill hands for the execution of tasks that includes programming,...
Buy and Sell Online

Buy and Sell Online in Nigeria

The internet is a big market. You can buy and sell online in Nigeria, thanks to eCommerce services that are springing up to make it possible. Some of such services are classified Ads sites that allow users find buyers by posting free ads online. These websites enable buyers find sellers online. This article shares some websites where you can buy and sell online in Nigeria. Daily deals sites also allow small businesses create consumer awareness by offering new products and services at deeply discounted rates. However, this article is mostly about Classified Ads sites, but we also list some of...
make money one ireporterstv

Make Money Uploading Videos to

Are you a video content producer or contemplating building a business around developing, publishing, and/or promoting video contents online? Africa's largest internet TV, iReportersTv offers a partnership program that enables producers of good quality video content upload, distribute, and make money from their videos. Just upload your video, iReportersTv hosts it for free and offers you tools to help you effectively promote your videos online and pays you for every single view of the video. How the Business Model Work Once you signup for an iReporterTv account and create a channel, you can start uploading and publishing videos on the site. Your...
How to Work from Home Online

How to Work from Home Online

As an online worker or freelancer, you will be probably working from home. Working from home can be quite difficult. The home is not a natural place to work. It is normally a place to relax and is filled with lots of distractions like TV, a well made bed, family errands, etc. Working online makes it even more difficult when you add distractions that come with the internet like social networking. In this article which is part of our online work series we will look at how to keep productive while working at home. You can find freelance work on Fiverr. To...
Best Freelancing Websites to Work Online from Home

Best Freelancing Websites to Work Online from Home

Online Work Marketplace (a.k.a. Freelancing Websites) are sites that connect employers with skilled workers, ensuring that both get value for their money and time respectively. However, it is always a good idea to deal with leading online work marketplace. As part of our online work series this post will be revealing some of the best freelancing websites where you can find freelance jobs as well as employ skilled workers for your projects. You can find freelance work on Fiverr. Top Sites for Work at Home Freelance Jobs Freelancing Websites sits like a bridge between entrepreneurs and skilled workers (Freelancers). The platforms provide a win-win relationship...
How to Work from Home Online

Best Tools to Work from Home in 2022

2020 was a year that many people had to learn some harsh lessons. What we typically consider normal was no longer accessible. With the coronavirus, social distancing and stay at home orders became the order of the day. Many people could no longer access their offices to work. Children had to learn from home. Despite the challenges, there were some great learnings. Life did not stop, and people had to readjust. Many businesses had to shift to online platforms to keep afloat. People had to continue to pay bills as usual. Remote work became the order of the day. The...
Building a Secure Financial Future

12 Expert Tips for Building a Secure Financial Future

Life is about living, not just surviving. And living life to its fullest is not possible with financial stability looming over your head. Are you constantly worried about money? Money struggles can strain relationships, adversely impact health and cause severe stress. And if you don’t have much of it to begin with, seeing the light at the end of the tunnel can seem impossible. Unless you receive an unexpected inheritance or win the lottery, you must take active steps to improve your situation. Whether you’re fresh out of college or a young single parent, our expert guide will help you build...
Konga Affiliate Win

Konga Rewards Best Performing Affiliate & its NaijaTechGuide

0, Nigeria's online marketplace, celebrated her best performing affiliate marketer in Lagos last week. Incidentally, the best performing affiliate partner is yours truly and our Team Lead, Paschal Okafor, was invited to Konga's Headquarters in Lagos to celebrate this achievement. NaijaTechGuide have been promoting products on Konga for about 9 months now and currently boasts of 6-figures monthly commissions (in Naira). Like most milestone celebrations there was cake and lots of photos, but, the opportunity was also used to rub minds on how to improve the affiliate programme. Paschal Okafor was also presented with a 50,000 Naira Konga Shopping Voucher. The...