Latest SEO Posts

SEO - 5 Techniques You Should Try to Triple the Quantity of Your Website Traffic

How to Scale Your Business with Professional SEO Services

In today's digital age, where online visibility can make or break a business, search engine optimization (SEO) has become an indispensable tool for scaling growth. Whether you're a small startup or a large enterprise, harnessing the power of SEO can propel your business to new heights by enhancing your online presence, driving organic traffic, and boosting conversions. In this article, we'll explore how partnering with a professional SEO company provider can help you scale your business effectively. What is SEO? Understanding the Importance of SEO Before delving into the role of professional SEO services in scaling your business, let's first understand what is...
Keyword Research for your Blog or Website

Keyword Research is Key for Blog and Website Success

For SEO, keywords are queries that web users type into the search bar when they want to find something online. So, when building or maintaining a site serious thought and effort should be put into keyword building and discovery. Hence Keyword research should be one of the first considerations when building or redesigning a website. This will ensure your website gets targeted traffic and attracts high quality visitors. Keyword research will enable you discover queries that web users use when searching for your kind of product or service. By writing content on your website using those keywords, search engines will...
SEO - 5 Techniques You Should Try to Triple the Quantity of Your Website Traffic

SEO Service is Essential for Website Redesigns

Are you planning to redesign your website? Have you spared some thought for Search Engine Optimisation, SEO. Website redesigns often result in changes in structure, content, and layout of your website. These changes can negatively impact on your search traffic, which is bad for business. Hence an SEO service should not be an afterthought during website redesigns but should even precede it. SEO should precede the process of website redesign, but some website owners wait until after the redesign or if something goes wrong to bring in SEO services. Once the idea to redesign a website pops up, an SEO...
Website Audit

SEO Site Audit increase Traffic to your Website

Our SEO site audit service takes a comprehensive look at your website focusing on how each factor that affects your search ranking is implemented on your website. An SEO site audit report is written and delivered to you. This report can serve as a blueprint for implementing SEO on your website or for developing an SEO strategy for your business. In the SEO site audit service from naijatechguide, an SEO specialist will take a thorough look at your website and present an interesting and informative report on your website's SEO status. The report will show you how well all known...

Quick SEO Tips Service to Increase Website Traffic

It has been shown that there are a number of common SEO flaws that hinder the search engine performance of most websites that rank low on search engine result pages (SERPs). It has also been shown that correcting these simple SEO flaws could have great impact on the search performance of a website. In our Quick SEO tips Service, an SEO expert will probe your website for such flaws and provide quick solutions for solving them. At naijatechguide, we have been delivering great content for years and through practice have come to learn the art and science of SEO. NaijaTechGuide now...
SEO Services

How Much Would You Pay for SEO Services in 2024?

Every marketing strategy delivers better results with search engine optimization. SEO solidifies your efforts by increasing your website’s visibility, ranking, and traffic. All of which contribute to converting website visits into queries and queries into purchases. So businesses consider it a crucial investment rather than a mere cost. But for companies with limited resources, it’s necessary to learn what the marketing expense will be like right now to prepare budgets for 2024. How Much Do SEO Services Cost? Professional SEO services may be as low as $150 to as high as $15,000. The price will depend on the scale of the optimization...
Web Optimization

10 Website Optimization Best Practices for 2024

If you want your Website, Blog, or Online Store to get a lot of visits, it must be well optimized so that it is positioned very well on search engines. However, getting a website to rank high on SERPs is not as easy as it seems and you need time, work, and a lot of desire to get any result. In this article, we share the top 10 Website Optimization Best Practices you need to follow to get more visitors in 2024. Only with good SEO practices will we achieve our goals, so today we will give you 10 tips...
SEO Strategies for Agricbusiness

SEO Strategies for Agribusiness: Increasing Organic Reach for Fruit Sellers

Are you a fruit seller looking to expand your market reach and increase sales? In today's digital age, having a strong online presence is essential for agribusinesses. This article will guide you through the importance of SEO for fruit sellers and provide valuable tips on conducting keyword research, on-page, and off-page optimization, as well as measuring and analyzing the success of your SEO strategies. Stay tuned to learn how to boost your organic reach and grow your fruit business! What is Agribusiness? Agribusiness refers to the integration of agricultural production and business operations within the agricultural industry, encompassing activities such as fruit farming, distribution,...
SEO Clean Up

How to Create and Use a Good SEO Clean Up Strategy

When you first created your business’s website, it was perfectly made and it’s SEO was pristine. Over time though, your website will have grown. You’ll have seen that there’s extra blog pages added, more sales listings, extra contact pages, and a lot more besides. As such, you’ll soon see that the content on your site becomes de-optimized, and you lose the effects of all the hard work you put in. There’s no need to despair though, as you’ll be able to use an SEO clean up strategy to put things right again. Here’s how to create and implement that strategy, so...
Free Guest Posting Sites

Free Guest Posting Sites for 2024

Looking for free guest posting sites 2024? If your answer is yes, then I am here to help you out. Whenever it comes to link building. Guest posting is one of the most common terms out there. with the help of guest posting, you can get genuine links to your website. However, the thing about a guest post is that it is not free. As most of the blogs charge quite a lot of dollars for guest posting. Hence most of the newbie's bloggers do not get interested. Instead, they look for free options. In case if you are someone who...
SEMRush Black Friday

SEMRush Black Friday Deals 2023, 30% Discount

SEMRush Black Friday Deals for 2023 offers 30% off its SEO and Marketing solutions. These are great offers to help you win at SEO in 2023 into 2024. If you are looking for a tool to help track your SEO, keywords, and content marketing efforts in 2024 and beyond, these Black Friday deals are great investment for your business. See Offers. Top SEMRush Black Friday Deals Get 30% Off SEMRush Pro and SEMRush Guru Annual plans (up to $899 in savings) Buy 3 Months of SEMRush Pro and get ContentShake AI Writing Tools free for 3 Months (up to $180...

Latest SEO Buzzwords for 2024

2024 is coming, and with so many people getting ready to make changes in their lifestyle in the form of resolutions and oaths, Google too, is not far behind, as it makes hundreds of algorithm changes every year. Core updates used to happen just once or twice a year, but in 2023, Google has made it a monthly thing with SEOs struggling to catch a breathe. Jokes apart, irrespective of the intensity of change, they can majorly affect your search ranking. So, if you are aware of Google’s master plan, you might just be able to drive all these changes...
boost website conversions

How to Boost your Website Conversions via Improving Visitor Engagement

When it comes to online sales one of your biggest challenges is engagement. Since you’re not there to have a face-to-face discussion with the visitor, your website needs to be your salesperson, providing all the information a prospective customer needs that helps them convert. So you’ve set up your website, filled it with content, made sure your products or services have detailed descriptions, and sent it off into the world (wide web). And while you’ve read up on the marketing funnel and conversion and garnered some sales, you’re still not where you want to be. What do you do? Ask yourself these...
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

5 SEO Mistakes You Still Might Be Making Today

Optimizing SEO performance can be a tricky business, as you need to take into account a plenty of factors like website content, links, or new GDPR rules. Therefore, you should be aware of making these common mistakes. Until such mistakes are rooted out it will be one step forward and two steps back for most content creators. 1. Overemphasis on Keywords and “Cheating” By putting too much focus on your keywords can often draw your energy away from the true task at hand: creating excellent content. Keyword “stuffing” as seen in Google’s early days is now a thing of the past....
Different Campaign Plans on Digital Marketing and SEO Process

Top 20 Digital Marketing and SEO Blogs You Should Follow

Today, when the attention span of every human is decreasing, a proper application of SEO and good content can boost the rank of a website. SEO consists of all the methods applied to get your site, and its contents rank higher on platforms like Google. Lots of things contribute to being on the first page of the search result. Methods can range from technical practices to promotional content. Building a website needs the perfect use of search optimizer. Keywords also play a vital role in defining the visibility in the search results. Short or long tail keywords have their purposes based on...
YouTube Keyword Research

All You Need to Know About YouTube Keyword Research

Anyone who’s had their day on YouTube knows that once your videos start gaining visibility, reaching and connecting with audiences becomes ever easier. As the platform’s popularity grows year after year, everyone wants to know the secret formula behind successful channels. But there’s no need to think of it as a "secret." Just as you put a lot of effort into connecting with video companies to produce top-notch content for your channel, you need to invest energy in SEO as well. And fundamentally, that means finding, testing, and leveraging the right keywords to rank your video on YouTube searches. This task involves...
Ad Spy Tools

Best Ad Spy Tools for Marketers in 2023

If you think that marketers have a pleasant job coming up with creative ads that will attract tons of consumers and drive sales, you may not be far from the truth, but you’re missing a key element of the digital marketer’s job description – hours and hours of going through numbers and all sorts of information. No business in the world has exclusive rights to the entire market. Every company has at least one competitor. Being successful means constantly paying attention to what competitors do. As marketers, we need to focus on their marketing efforts, take notes, and make sure...
Digital Marketing for Local Business

10 Digital Marketing Strategies That Local Businesses Should Consider

In today's digital age, local businesses have a remarkable opportunity to connect with their target audience in more personalized and effective ways than ever before. While traditional marketing methods still have their place, integrating digital marketing strategies can significantly boost a local business's visibility, engagement, and growth. Here, we explore ten essential digital marketing strategies that local businesses should consider to thrive in their communities and beyond. Local businesses are the heart and soul of communities, providing essential products and services while contributing to the local economy. However, in a world dominated by online interactions, it's crucial for local businesses...
seo sem pd training

SEO and SEM Training For Search Traffic 7500 NGN – DealDey...

Search engines are the doors to the web for most internet uses. So, being visible on search engines is key for any business that promotes her products and services online. If you are interested in learning how to get more visitors to your website, PD Training is offering a good deal on Search Engine Optimisation and Search Engine Marketing Training on DealDey. Price 7,500 Naira. You may also be interested in the Best Back to School Deals and the Best Back to College Deals. The Training will take place over two days (5 hours per session) in Lagos, Abuja, and Port Harcourt and will...
Hire Best Local SEO Agency

How to Hire the Best Possible Local SEO Agency for Your...

Hiring a local SEO agency is an important decision that can have significant long-term consequences for your business. There are many reasons to choose one company over another, but it often comes down to the staff's calibre and level of experience in this field. If you're looking for local SEO packages, then this blog post is just what you need. We will help to explain what local SEO has the power to do for your business with seo and how it can be used as a marketing tool. A local SEO agency typically provides link building, content writing, local listings, local...
Google Analytics Strategies to Measure SEO Success

6 Must Know Google Analytics Strategies to Measure SEO Success

Measuring SEO performance is very crucial for your business. As they say, if you can’t measure it, you cannot improve. This is why you need to focus on your ranking on as they are a significant measure of Search Engine Optimization. Even so, reporting while entirely relying on keywords tends to devalue your role as a marketer. This is because it doesn’t provide a clear picture of why SEO is important to an organization. The good thing is that there are many SEO measuring tools including Google analytics. Google analytics measures and reports on your SEO efforts. It, therefore, gives you...
On-Page SEO

On-Page SEO: Understanding the Trinity of Optimizations

Google is a game of chess, and the winner takes all. The key to ranking well on Google these days isn’t just optimizing your site for search engines -- it's also about making sure that you are following every rule in their book so as not get caught up with "missteps" like running afoul during on-page optimization efforts or using dubious technical tactics such as cloaking which were once considered legitimate but now carry steep penalties if detected by them! The on-page, off-page and technical counterparts form the trinity of SEO optimization. You can use on-page SEO to improve your...
SEO Tips for Using Keywords in Your Blog Posts

7 SEO Tips for Using Keywords in Your Blog Posts

One of the best ways that businesses can engage their customers is by starting a company blog. Blog posts provide free, valuable information and help to build a foundation of trust with customers. What’s more, blog posts can help to increase your visibility online. Creating a blog and guest posting are some of the most effective ways of improving your ranking on search engines like Bing and Google. In order to show up on searches, though, your blog posts need to contain keywords that are optimized for search engines. Here are some tips on how to include SEO keywords in your...
SEO - 5 Techniques You Should Try to Triple the Quantity of Your Website Traffic

5 Techniques You Should Try to Triple the Quantity of Your...

Website traffic is a significant indicator of business growth online. Thus, getting thousands of visitors for your website is one of the essential things to achieve to make your online business successful. However, generating more visitors to your website is not as simple as you think. Fortunately, there are ways to make it happen. If you want to drive more traffic to your website, take your cue from these five techniques on how to triple your website traffic quickly. 1. Create Viral Contents Creating viral content is not an easy task. If you can create one or two, it will have a...
Off-page SEO Strategies

Top 9 Most Effective Off-Page SEO Strategies

If you want to dominate organic search, you need a robust off-page SEO strategy. That means intent-aligned, full-funnel content with optimized titles and snippets. It also means a well-organized website architecture and a logical URL structure. You must understand that your content doesn’t live in a vacuum. Google constantly weighs your pages against millions of others. Here we look at some of the most effective off-page SEO strategies: 1. Link Building The most important off-page SEO technique is to build quality backlinks. These are the links that point to your content from other websites and are a major ranking factor for Google. However, it's...
10 WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed up your Website Performance

10 WordPress Caching Plugins to Speed up your Website Performance

In this digital age, when everyone is in the race to be at the top of SERP, website speed is the utmost factor that can help you with better rankings. Google constantly rolls out updates now and then; similarly, in the year 2021, Google came up with core web vitals update where it mentioned the website speed as one of the major ranking factors. There are various ways to improve the speed of your website; you can do it by optimizing images, reducing the number of unused plugins, using a CDN Network, and using cache plugins which we are going...
Backlinks LinkBuilding

How Can a Link Building Agency Help Your Website Grow?

Being active in social media pages, creating informative, educational or entertaining content, and finding the right keywords for your brand are just three foolproof techniques that facilitate exposing a website to a wider audience. If done correctly, those strategies work wonders and bring you closer to increasing the number of netizens who visit your page daily. Yet, there is one crucial issue that some online business owners aren’t fully aware of. Ignoring its potential, they reduce the possibility of growing bigger and reaching wider. What is this mysterious element that you should consider adding to your website-growth strategy? It’s linkbuilding. What’s Link...
SEO Audit

What is SEO Audit? Checklist to Perform an SEO Audit for...

An SEO audit is important in today’s digital world as it tells everything about your website, including whatever you’re doing good and what all you can do for improving further. This is the reason why it is important to perform an SEO site audit regularly. In this article, we would be talking in detail about the SEO audit. We have also included a detailed SEO checklist that you need for performing a comprehensive audit in 2023. What is an SEO Audit? An SEO audit can be understood as a review of the SEO campaign as well as its strategies. This assessment helps you...
SEO is a long-term strategy

The Complete Small Business SEO Checklist for 2023

Search engine optimization (SEO) is an invaluable tool for small business owners looking to increase visibility and grow their customer base. With the right strategy, your small business can respond to the ever-changing online marketplace, reach more potential customers, and stand out from the competition. Here are a few SEO checklist to help small businesses get more leads and reach more potential customers in 2023. The key is understanding which SEO elements are most important, and how to use them to your advantage. This complete small business SEO checklist is designed to help you do just that. From understanding keywords and...
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation

SEO Increase Search Engine Traffic and Visitors

Search Engine Optimisation or SEO for short are techniques used to increase search engine traffic to a website or blog. Through several researches, reports, and case studies it has been shown that websites that get large search engine traffic on the internet have certain characteristics. The job of SEO is to refine a given website or blog's makeup to conform to those best practices without undermining user experience, so as to attract visitors from search engines like Google, Bing, and Yandex. By following these SEO best practices a website or blog can improve their search engine performance and increase traffic. It’s...
SEO - Search Engine Optimisation

Best Free SEO Tools Every Content Marketer Must Use

Are you a content marketer? Want to be efficient and productive at your job? Here are the Best Free SEO tools to have for success. As a content marketer you need tools that will help in writing your article. If you have a team of writers you will also need a tool to enable you check the originality of the content to avoid being accused or plagiarism. You will also need tools to enable inspect your content for on-page SEO as well as track ranking, banklinks, etc. Here are some of the best free SEO tools. 1. Article Rewriter Do you have problems...
Best WordPress SEO plugins

5 Best WordPress SEO Plugins for Improved Search Engine Visibility

With the Best WordPress SEO Plugins, you can improve the visibility of your website on the internet. Search engines have grown to become one of the leading sources of traffic for many websites and businesses. Not just traffic, but also for improving lead conversions, growing your business' customer base, as well as increasing income. Millions of internet users are actively searching for solutions to a problem, answers to a question, and all sorts of information as each second passes. To divert these info-hungry users to your website, your business undeniably needs a reliable SEO strategy in place. But since SEO trends...
SEO Aspects You Should Improve to Overhaul Your Videos Content's Performance

7 SEO Aspects You Should Improve to Overhaul Your Videos Content’s...

So, you heard all the buzz going around video marketing and decided to give it a shot. You spent some time putting together an awesome explainer piece that reflects your company or recording a series of educational tutorials to share on social and nurture your online reputation. You are all set, right? Well, there's a catch – People have to be able to find your fantastic new video easily, or all that time and effort can go to waste! So, how do you manage that? Well, the best way to increase your videos’ presence online is being aware of your good...
Why Websites Have Become The Business Deciding Factor

What is Search Engine Marketing and its importance in Business

SEM or Search Engine Marketing is the most profitable marketing approach that helps your brand draw targeted sales leads with increased ROI. It is the paid method to boost your brand visibility or website rank in SERP through search engine paid advertisements like Google Ads, Bing ads, Yahoo ads, etc. SEM also has an unpaid marketing strategy which is referred to as Organic SEO. It involves developing quality content with focused keywords, phrases, Meta descriptions that need to be readable and relevant to the business to drive the targeted prospects.   SEM in Singapore is a very powerful and expensive...
Video Marketing – Tips, Guides, Benefits

Video Marketing – Tips, Guides, Benefits

Video Marketing is one of the most popular ways of getting more attention of the customers. It is suited to any type of products and services. There is a false belief that video marketing is not that effective as compared to direct marketing with flyers, brochures and tele-calling which is incorrect. Are you aware that video marketing increases brand awareness and also helps to deliver the message in an impressive way? With the popularity of video marketing increasing every year, a lot of the companies now use videos for fundraising, recruitment, networking and branding? Statistics say that 50% of the...
SEO - Search Engine Optimization

SEO Services from NaijaTechGuide to Increase Website Traffic

Through research, extensive reading, experimentation and practice we have learnt the art and science of SEO at NaijaTechGuide. Using our knowledge over the years, we have been able to build NaijaTechGuide to over 1,000,000 monthly page views, with even bigger targets for 2022. NaijaTechGuide is ranking well in relevant keywords with over 75% of visitors coming via search engines. So having recorded success on our own sites, we are now offering our SEO services to you to help you increase your website traffic. You can contact us for all your Search Engine Optimisation needs. SEO services offered include: Quick SEO Tips Service ...
5 Ways To Make SEO Monitoring Even Easier!

5 Ways To Make SEO Monitoring Even Easier

Once you have put so much work in your SEO strategy, you will definitely want to monitor whether your strategy is working or not and if it is, how you can better your performances. Especially if you are a blogger, monitoring your SEO efforts is really important because it will allow you to celebrate your wins and you will be able to fix things that are not working out. In order to stay in control and not leave anything to chance from the beginning, you need to start tracking your referrals, your rankings, click-throughs and much more. Here we have...
Search engine optimize

The Crucial Part of SEO in Every Successful Law Firm

Search Engine Optimization (SEO) is a great tool for businesses to increase their website ranking in major search engines like Google, Bing, and Yahoo. With the rise of the digital age, businesses need to keep up with the demands of the growing, competitive market. Lawyers should not overlook SEO, as it can be a strategy for law firms to boost their business profitability. Still not convinced? Here's a rundown on why SEO plays an important role in the success of every law firm. It Improves Your Website Visibility Studies have found that a whopping 96% of people look up for legal services online....
SEO with Off-Site Tactics

How to Grow your Website with Off-site SEO Tactics

It’s often difficult to get the right mix of onsite vs off-site SEO (search engine optimisation) for your digital marketing strategy.   Growing website traffic is one reason why it’s a good idea to complete a digital marketing course to keep up to date with new SEO trends. When developing your digital marketing strategy, it’s worthwhile to also note that search engine’s like Google is forever evolving and best SEO practices are constantly changing. Although basically when it comes to effective SEO, there are only two real options to approach it with, which are on and off-site SEO. On-site SEO deals with what...
Digital Marketing Service

Competitor Research Tips for Better Digital Marketing Service

It is a given that your business development Digital Marketing Service somewhat depends on your capacity to rule your competitor and claim the best seat in your industry’s online space. To conquer your industry, you must have the understanding of the workflow of competitors present in the field. Whether your digital marketing service is new to the industry or has been working for a long time, these five tips will help you analyze your competition's online presence. Look Out for Your SEO Competitors An competitor in SEO is someone (or a business) who naturally ranks for key search queries that are related...
Tips to Increase Your Organic Page Ranking

Tips to Increase Your Organic Page Ranking

Even after getting the most sought after getting a SERP keyword tracker, your site is not getting the organic traffic it deserves. You have freaked out, and you are almost losing hope. Please don’t! In the recent past, Google, Bing, and Yahoo, which are the dominant search engines have changed their algorithms which has made it difficult for SEO experts to find the ideal SEO tactics that can help rank sites at the helm of search results. This means that you might be doing everything right and practicing different SEO strategies, but the reason why you are not getting desirable results...
the ways content quality can be improved

Improving Content Quality by Avoiding Plagiarism

Plagiarism is the unethical activity of using someone else’s intellectual property. It is when you use someone else’s content and take credit for it. It is immoral and can lead to dire consequences on the internet. It can permanently damage your website and you could be taken to court. Therefore, it is recommended that plagiarism be avoided at all costs. As content creators, we are running after quality content at all times. Without quality content, it is nearly impossible to rank higher on search engines. What is Good Content Quality? There are a lot of definitions of good content quality. It depends on who...
SEO Rank Tracker

Best SEO Rank Tracker Tools for Tracking SERPs Position

Tracking the position of web pages in SERPs (Search Engine Result Pages) is one of the daily routines of an SEO. This enables you see how well or badly your Search Engine Optimisation work is going. Checking each page can be laborious, this is where Rank Tracking tools come in. Here are we share the Best SEO Rank Tracker Tools. An SEO Rank Tracker like SEMRush will regularly monitor SERPs for your chosen keywords and update you on your position for each of those keywords. All you need to do is setup your keywords that you wish to track, and...
Increase Website Traffic

Increase Website Traffic or Visitors

Websites are built for people. The reason you built a website, I imagine is to promote your business to people. However, you need a healthy website traffic to achieve this aim. For most business people after spending a few hundred dollars or thousands of Naira designing a business website, getting people to visit it becomes the next logical worry. However, you should start thinking about how to drive visitors to your website from the day the thought of building a website first came to you. This article will show you how to ensure you build a website that will get visitors...
Powerful Tools for Website Owners

Powerful SEO Tools for Website Owners

Do you want to check your website's domain authority? Or get analytics of your posts? What about auditing your website? Worry not, in this post; we have compiled a list of the most powerful tools for website owners. Continue reading! If you own a website or you are just wondering where to start you are not alone, many website owners have been in the same situation as yours but the internet has all the answers you would need to help you get your site off on the right foot. Owning a website is simple but also complicated especially when it comes...
ahrefs vs semrush

Ahrefs vs SEMrush: Which SEO Tool Should You Use

In today’s competitive world, if you want to succeed, you must know the value of perfect and profitable keywords. Having low-ranked keywords in your websites can be a reason for your failure as it will not perform as expected in search engine results. Hence, it is never a bad idea to invest in a good keyword research tool which helps you enhance your website’s SEO performance. It is essential to choose the right SEO tool and keyword research tool when it comes to optimizing your site. Believe it or not, a site with the perfect keyword or phrase can save...
SEO stands for Search Engine Optimisation

Top 5 SEO Trends For 2021

As the 21st century progresses, SEO is on top of every marketing team’s agenda. Without getting on the first pages of search engines, the majority of promotional efforts disappear in vain. Following the latest SEO trends is highly important for staying on top of your game. From knowing the latest Google protocols to implementing social media SEO, marketing specialists have a lot on their plates. In this article, we’ll share the latest SEO trends to pay attention to in 2021. 1. Adjusting to Zero-Click Searches The appearance of zero-click searches had some marketing specialists panicking. How is it possible to grab potential customers’...
Website Audit

What are the Most Important Things about Website Audit – Tips...

Have you ever heard that search engines often change their algorithm from time to time? Such changes may not favour your website, resulting in poor ranking in SERP and reduction in web traffic.  One of the best ways to reduce the chances of this happening is to entrust the work to an SEO specialist or have a little bit of interest in SEO. A website audit will identify the main problems of your website and help to clarify where you should focus on. You can get SEO audit service from almost every SEO company. Professional specialists will help with your website...
SEO Sitemap

What is a Sitemap (How to Generate Them)

A sitemap is a page and/or file that lists all the pages of a website in-order to help people and search engines easily navigate the website. The page contains a link to every page (or at least the important ones) of the website. Sitemaps come in two major forms. An HTML sitemap is targeted at human visitors (but can also be helpful to search engines). It is a normal web page that offers a structured list of all pages of a website, this html sitemap is a great example. The other form is the XML sitemap. This is exclusively provided for...
Get Valuable Editorial Links

6 Best Tips to Get Valuable Editorial Links

There are two types of marketers out there, one are those who ask and pay for editorial links and then there are those people who earn editorial links from authoritative websites. It is but an undeniable fact that earning these editorial links is a hard nut to crack and there are times when even your best SEO practices fail in getting you what you want. Ever wondered what exactly could be done in order to get some valuable editorial links? There are plenty of companies that are struggling with their link building strategies by guest posting on various blogs and...
SEO Tips

Small SEO Tips and Tricks That Will Pack a Punch

Considering all the websites out there and the sheer size of the internet, you may think that digital marketing is time-consuming and complex. This doesn’t always have to be true; when broken down, there are plenty of digital marketing techniques that can be accomplished in just a few hours that still pack a big punch. One example of this is search engine optimization (or “SEO”). Here are some quick and simple SEO tips and tricks that will help your marketing strategy come alive. Invest in Mobile Optimization Everyone uses their smartphones nowadays, so it is crucial that your website is optimized for...